DOLStream 1.0f Released!
I have decided to release DOLStream to the public, a bit early. It is not the final release, but I basically wanted to let people be able to see something real! Enjoy this release, should work on GCoS, tmb's IPL, and QOOB. Haven't tested QOOB as I don't have one, and noone sends me one :-/
Known bugs:
When starting for the first time, choose yes to the dialog and set EVERY field, except the limit speed. The delay must be set, even if it's 0, because i messed it up and didn't fix it in time for release.
Download here:
Offical GCoS WebsiteMirrored here: [ site ]Mirrored here: [ site ]DOLStream: Preview Release
What is it?
DOLStream is an application which is designed to stream DOL/ELF binaries to your gamecube, in a nice, easy way. DOLStream is designed for use with GCoS, but can be used with anything that works like tmbinc's IPL, including the QOOB.
Why did you make it?
I made DOLStream because the current DOL streaming application where either not graphical, or just lacked any sort of functionality that would be nice. DOLStream was made to be 100% compatible with GCoS, and should not give any problems with a properly configured setup.
Why should I use it over xxx?
Simple, I made it

No just kidding, I'll break it down for you:
* DOLPusher: Doesn't work fully with GCoS, and isn't graphical. Slower.
* Well, it's a python script so you need python, and it's command line based. Slower.
* netcat: Well, again it is a command line tool, and it actually a bit too complicated for some users to grasp. Can be slower.
DOLStream has a nice amount of features, including auto-sensing send speed based on DOL/ELF size with an optional speed limiter, wait-before-send option, drag & drop user interface,integrated command line option, shows load address and entry point (useful for debugging), and it actually sends at the max the Gamecube(tm) Broadband adapter is capable of.