Recientemente he leido esta supuesta buena noticia referente a un juego que tengo ansias de catar, Blazblue:
Alright, just so I can make someone's day happy. Here's some interesting tidbits
Xbox 360 BlazBlue US version is playable on all consoles, if you're in the EU, AU, RUSSIA, CANADA or anywhere that's not getting BB localized, find a way to get it or you might be assed out on this LE bonus. I heard Amazon or GameStop do overseas shipping. Also, if You ordered the US LE version from or even, you might NOT get the LE from there.
Japan is NOT getting BlazBlue Limited Edition, this LE pack is ONLY for the American Market so get it while its hot.
US version of BlazBlue has been localized for other languages too, beyond Japanese and English.
I hopes this helps...
Fuente: AksysGames en su web y foros de Dustloop (vamos, ellos mismos)
El problema que veo es, debo entender segun ese comunicado que depende de la tienda donde lo pillas quizás no funcione? Solo afecta a la edición especial ese problema? No habrá ninguna Ed. especial free region?
Thx de antebraso!