Donkey kong fue el titulo original?

Donkey kong fue el titulo original?
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Nintendo's classic arcade game Donkey Kong was actually a mistranslation. It should have been called Monkey Kong.
La clásica de nintendo Donkey kong debió haberse llamado monkey kong,y todo paso por un error de ortografía,cuando mandaron el fax con el titulo del juego, la tinta se hizo borrosa y eso causo que por la gran casualidad se cambiara el nombre de esta clásica,lo mas interesante es que miyamoto testaruda mente no quiere admitir el error y insinúa que siempre pensó en ese titulo desde un comienzo,según el diseñador la razón del titulo donkey kong ,fue para darle un toque de stupid funny(estupido , gracioso y testarudo)y por ese argumento se cerro el caso,sera todo esto verdadero o ficción?.

We're the first to admit that the 'Donkey' in Donkey Kong is one of the more mystifying title choices in video game history (right behind the 'Final' in Final Fantasy), but it was just that - a choice, not a mistranslation.
It was also the brainchild of legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto, who was handed the reigns of this, his very first video game, back in 1981.Based loosely on the comic strip Popeye, Donkey Kong erupted into the public consciousness and skyrocketed to worldwide fame. As Nintendo's first bona fide hit in North America, it also launched the career of carpenter-turned-plumber Mario.

So what about thatoddball name? For years, thepopular theory was thatsomething funnyhappened on theway to production- a blurred fax, perhaps - and those wacky Japanese misprinted the word "Monkey" as "Donkey." Inexplicably, this was accepted as fact by most gamers until Miyamoto himself cleared the air by insisting that "donkey" was intentional all along. According to the designer, the word was simply meant to indicate stubborn stupidity, while "kong" was just a doff of the cap to the great cinematic ape. Put the two together and you've got a 'stupid ape,' a landmark video game, and a myth debunked.
Fact or Fiction?
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