Az@zel escribió:
Que va ese es el problema, en el Dk1 y 2 daba igual porque estaban todas las canciones pero en esta tercera parte hay canciones que se tienen que desbloquear asi que esta vez si hace falta la memory si queremos tener todo el repertorio de canciones... yo en el momento que alguien confirme que se puede salvar la partida yo hago el pedido porque las canciones que traen me ENCANTAANNN!!!
toi igual ke tu
EDITO: por cierto copy & paste de las novedades de este DK3
DK3 New Features
- Tranfer song from previous game
If the memory card from donkey conga 1-2 is available when starting donkey conga 3, tthe song from donkey konga 1 & 2 will be added to the game. A maximum of 65 tones can be used in donkey conga 3! (jaaaaaaaarl no lo sabia
![Babeando [babas]](/images/smilies/babas.gif)
- Nes game song
If various conditions are cleared in a game, a new genre [Family Computer] can be performed.
- Synchronize clapping
get more points hitting a note at the same time during mulriplayer. The synchronization note will appear in concert mode and 4 player mode
Game Modes
- Score play
- Match mode
A panel will appear and player have to match a picture with the notes
- Random mode
Each time a song is played, the pattern change randomly
- Rhytm Banana Tree
Grow banana by beating on the conga??
- Tantare Attack
Shoot Dokey Kong to the Banana Tree to collect the banana
official song list
EDITO: (y van 2
![más risas [+risas]](/images/smilies/nuevos/risa_ani3.gif)
lista de canciones:
J-Pop :
1 : Hana
2 : Kimi ni Bump
3 : Happy Days
4 : Rokoroushon
5 : Ignited (Gundam Seed Destiny opening theme)
6 : Start (Detective Conan opening theme)
7 : Seishun Kyousou Kyoku (Naruto opening theme)
8 : Baka Survivor (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo opening theme)
9 : Relight (Fullmetal Alchemist opening theme)
10 : Go!!!
11 : Kore Ga Watashi no Ikiru Michi
12 : Tomorrow
Anime :
13 : Kite Kite Atashinchi (Atashinchi ending theme)
14 : Mezase Poke-Monster (Pokemon opening theme)
15 : Ora-ha Ninki Mono (Crayon-shin-chan opening theme)
16 : Cha-la Head-cha-la (Dragon Ball Z opening theme)
17 : Touch (Touch opening theme)
18 : Ashita ni Nattara (Donkey Kong opening theme)
19 : Banana Tengoku (Donkey Kong ending theme)
TV :
20 : Doremifa Daijoubu (Hajimete no Otsukai theme song)
21 : Fire Emblem
Variety :
22 : Youderu Tabe Houdai
23 : Iiyuudana
24 : Makkensanba II
Western :
25 : Entertainer
26 : La Coocoo Racha
Classic :
27 : William Tell
28 : Aine Kuraine Nahatomajiiku
Games :
29 : Smash Brothers DX
30 : Kochira Monopiza (Mawaru Made in Wario)
31 : Jungle Beat
32 : Star Fox
33 : Donkey’s Groove (Donkey Konga 3 theme song)
Children’s Music :
34 : Te no Hira wo Taiyou Ni
35 : Bingo
Famicom :
36 : Super Mario Brothers
37 : Mappy
38 : Zelda no Densetsu
39 : Tower of Doruga
40 : Hoshi no Kirby: Yume no Izuumi no Monogatari
41 : Doctor Mario
42 : Pacman
43 : Digdug
44 : ???
45 : ???
46 : ???
47 : ???
48 : ???
49 : ???
50 : ???
Las últimas siete pistas son secretas.