Dorimaga y su nota pa el ED.

Dorimaga :
- Eternal Darkness (Gamecube, Nintendo): 8 / 7 / 8 (Total 7,6)

yo aun no e visto este juego en una cubo...pero no se, tiene que estar muy bien no? pero estas notas tan bajas ¬_¬ no molan na.
IGN y su nota para ED:

A beautiful mix of slick menus, awesome visuals and audio, plenty of options and variety. Wow. 10.0

Fanstastic art mingles with great technology. Brutally fast 3D engine, big indoor environments, crisp textures, great animation, lighting effects and more. Some seams, occasional poor particles. 9.0

Spectacular music tracks with tons of atmosphere. Excellent voice acting and sound effects. Very ambient. Some repetition. 9.0

Epic. Not for those unwilling to invest. Everyone that does will love it. Great control, combat, sweet magicks, excellent story. The full package. 9.0

Lasting Appeal
Huge quest -- 20 hours for the skilled gamer and longer for the rest. Lots of secrets. Plus, gamers can play through three times for an uber ending. 9.0

OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 9.6

yo lo pillo fijo
Borochi está baneado por "Faltas de respeto, spam, clones... NO fuiste desbaneado"
ING = 9.6
Dorimaga = 7,6

Ni una ni otra un 8,6 ^^*

Es buena nota ....

Mezcla las opiniones para estar mas de acuerdo ni esajerados ni conformistas [borracho]
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