DosFlash 2.0

Después de más de 9 meses de su última actualización, Kai Schtrom ha publicado la versión 2.0 DosFlash, aplicación que permite flashear los lectores de Xbox 360 vía MS-DOS.


•Key extraction task "LiteOn Key V3 (Tarablinda)" now supports the Slim firmware versions 9504, 0272, 0225, 0401, 1071 and also tries to discover the key on unknown firmware versions

•2 new tasks added named "Lock SPI Flash" and "Unlock SPI Flash" The new unlock SPI flash task is used in combination with Geremia's MXIC and Winbond Unlock method. It is very much influenced by Geremia's unlockSPI program, which was the first bruter to unlock Winbond SPI flashes. To relock the flash after you have finished writing a patched firmware to it, use the lock SPI flash task. This will instantly make the SPI flash write protected for all blocks. BP0, BP1 and SRP status bits are
activated afterward, so handle this function with care!

•Read Flash task now can create a full firmware dump of the Slim firmware versions 9504, 0272, 0225, 0401 and 1071. To create full firmware dumps of 0225 drives and above you should get a compatible SATA2 controller and set it to IDE mode. In addition you should be able to do Geremia's MXIC or Winbond unlock method. The compatible SATA2 controller is needed to unlock the MTK. Any installed drivers should be uninstalled, because they will switch the controller back to AHCI mode. In combination with the SPI flash status register unlock you are able to write to the firmware and inject Geremia's 8051 trojan, which can then dump the complete firmware. A risk level is added to show you how risky it is for your individual flash chip and firmware combination to write the patched firmware to obtain a full dump.

•Possibility during "Read Flash" task to write firmware sector 3E of Slim drives with unknown firmware version. This feature should be useful if new, unknown Slim firmware versions get out. If you write the patched 3E sector to a new and unknown firmware version this could potentially kill your drive. So handle it with care!

•Portio.sys reimplemented as separate driver for DosFlash32 and DosFlash64. The driver files portio32.sys and portio64.sys are again separated from the executable file. This way the user has the possibility to sign the drivers on his x64 system with the Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider.

•SATA and IDE adapter list updated

Cuelgo la info, alguno q lo pruebe para flashear lectores slim q ponga como hacerlo ya q yo no dispongo de tiempo para probarlo.

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