Ha lanzado una nueva version del emulador de dos,detalles:
What's New :
- Configuration data for games is now stored based on the path in which
the game is located. This allows you to have separate configuration
Earlier versions of DOSXBox worked this way, but somehow that code got
overwritten, so I've had to make a new method. Basically this means that
you're going to have to reconfigure your games.
- If you assign "Text Browser" to an in-game button combination and use
it to pull up a text file, then when you do so the file that is automatically
loaded is the same as the game name you selected plus .TXT.
For example, if you selected to play GAME.EXE and the file GAME.TXT is
located in the same directory as it, then GAME.TXT will be the file you
see when you press the in-game button combination for the "Text Browser"
- Can manually enter the game name during the configuration process.
When you do this, DOSXBox will create a dummy file in the same directory
as the file you selected that is named the same as the name you entered.
This is the file that you'll need to launch for future runs.
- IMGMOUNT command now works the same way as DOSBox-for-Windows.
- New configuration option "Enable IPX/Network". You need to set this to
"Yes" for the network to be available.
- New function on the "In Game Options" menu : "Change CDRom".
This will allow you to change the CD while playing a game.
Useful for multi-CD games.
- Fixed joystick-as-mouse problem in Gabriel Knight
- Fixed EMS initialization error with games like Blackthorne