Downgrader for 2.01+ by hacker3.0 BETA 3
warning this version will access the flash more so it is not my fault if it bricks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. put the flash1 folder into the root of you memorystick.
2. put the stabilizer eboot and the downgrader eboot into the game section of your memory stick.
3. run the eloader.
4. click on and load the stabilizer eboot.
5. when it brings you back to the eloader menu load the downgrader.
6. when the downgrader loads wait 30 secs an restart the psp.
7. after restarting check what firmware it says is installed if it says 1.00 continue to next step.
8. install a 1.50 eboot you can find at .
AGAIN IT IS NOT MY FAULT IF IT BRICKS YOUR PSP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Esto es lo que se habla en PSP3D, lo acabn de publicar y no se atreven a probarlo, pero parece algo coerente.