Infogrames is planning to release Dragonball Z game titles for GameBoy Advance, GameCube, PlayStation 2 and XBox. The GameBoy Advance version will be released first in May, it will be a fighting RPG game. The PlayStation 2 version of Dragonball Z is scheduled for release this fall, which will be an action adventure RPG with over 30 characters from the cartoon series. A GameCube version of Dragonball Z is planned for a 2003 release, which will be similar to the PS2 version, and it will be linkable with the GBA version of the game. Lastly, both XBox and PC will receive an online version of Dragonball Z in 2003.
Pos eso que dragon ball online para el 2003 en la xbox, salu2 y espero que este guapo, y molaria que pusieran ocultos los juegos de la super nintendo o el de la saturn, como en el house of dead, on el panzer dragon, en fin, si lo sacan ya es bastante, salu2.