DRAGON Fanart R2 & Poster R2


This thing will launch your

XBOX games collection
Movie Collection
Album Collection

It comes in two forms the poster form....shown below...and the fanart form....depending on the look you want...

its easy just add a poster or fanart if thats your build....maybe a video or overlay if you want to be flash

----------------------- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -----------------------

Dragon Media Player is the easiest way for a family to enjoy there favorite movies, built on XBMC using the power of the Version 2 skin engine built by J Marshall viewing your movies has never been easier
Just add your cover, and maybe a video preivew or overlay and your done. Press down to retrun to home from anywhere and press up to fast jump though list

Q - How do I access Settings?

Q - How do I access the FTP?
A - User = XBOX
Pass = XBOX
port = 21

Q - How What Media is supported
A - Nearly all Video, Music and Picture formats. Xbox Games and Apps will launch if default.xbe is present

Q - Where is my Media
A - Dragon Media Player/- Media (this can be changed, see below)

Q - Graphics Disapear at times?
A - Most Likely your FolderArt.jpg are to large and should be around 512 width

Q - Can I change the look and animation of the interface?

Q - Can I refresh a Thumbnail that has changed or is broken?
A - Yes Press the LEFT THUMBSTICK in this will remove the old one so a new one can be rebuilt

Q - Can I refresh the settings and thumbnails to defaults
A - YES While booting hold down both thumb sticks

Q - Can I show the Memory Remaining and other debug information
A - YES While booting hold down X and Y buttons

Q - Can I change from NTSC or PAL? (NTSC recommended as games run better and HD is supported)
A - YES Press the RIGHT THUMBSTICK in and select the changer

Q - Is Hi Def supported
A - YES 720P is supported. You must be NTSC and the MS dash must be setup to support it

--------------------- LOCATION OF THE MEDIA ---------------------

To change the location of your media change Dragon Media Player//UserData//sources.xml
<path>Q:\- Media\</path> // Delete add or change a path Q:/ is Dragon Media Player Path no matter where it is
<path>F:\</path> // Delete add or change a path
<path>G:\</path> // Delete add or change a path
<path>E:\Emulators\</path> // Delete add or change a path

********** SUPPORT FILES **********


FileName.jpg - Artwork on Scrolling List when over the file
FileName.xmv - Movie that plays when over the file
Overlay.png - Animated Overlay when over the file

***** WHEN OVER A FOLDER *****

FolderArt.jpg - Artwork of the when over the folder
FolderArt.xmv - Movie that plays when over a folder
Overlay.png - Animated Overlay when over a folder

***** WHEN IN A FOLDER *****

CustomOverlay.png - Overlay when in that folder (fast and always there)

FolderArt.jpg - Artwork of the when over the folder
FolderArt.resize - The same file as above but with smaller dimensions 500x400 aprox renamed. This will overtake FolderArt.jpg with low mem usage FolderArt and wont slideshow at 720P looking low res

Autoplay.txt - Will cue and play an album (can be video)
Slideshow.txt - Slidshows the folder when selected
Shutdown.txt - Shutsdown when selected
Reboot.txt - Reboots when selected


Dragon/Customisation/BackgroundMusic.mp3 - Background Music track that can be enabled
Dragon/Customisation/Settings Background.xmv - Background Video of the Setting Screen or Video Screensaver


Movies can be stacked with -CDx
will become Movie.avi

DRAGON Poster R2
changed FolderArt.jpg to Poster.jpg (so you can put both types of art in projects and they will work in both)
definable Background
definable Overlay
definable Folder Glow
shows small cover when in video preview
option to enable/disable small cover when in video preview
video preview now 4 sec instead of 2 (might add option for time)
updated readme
Art is now compatible with CoinOPS 6/Visionary 4/Dragon Poster and Dragon Fanart...so it can go in and all icons are setup properly

DRAGON Fanart R2
Added definable Main Background
Updated documentation
lo he probado y me ha parecido interesante por su estilo coverflow bueno parecido, sencillo de configurar y una interfaz sencilla la recomiendo [bye]
Señores, es el XBMC modificado pero XBMC al fin y al cabo, y nuevo?... ya lleva su tiempo, no?
hal9000 escribió:Señores, es el XBMC modificado pero XBMC al fin y al cabo, y nuevo?... ya lleva su tiempo, no?

ya es viejo xD pero es sencillo para la gente que no entiende de launchers
Al igual que Hal ya lo conocia y tiene su tiempo,me extraño eso de Nuevo.

Aunque ahora como que me dio ganas de conseguirlo [carcajad]
He puesto lo de nuevo, porque es una versión y porque yo nunca la había usado... para mi es nuevo :p
Hace poco se hablaba de un skin para el xbmc y era espectacular para este tema.
Es bastante visual e intutivo, pero como se hace para poner todas las caratulas de peliculas,juegos,musica,, en que carpetas hay que colocar imagenes.?

He actualizado el primer post con el readme.

----------------------- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -----------------------

Dragon Media Player is the easiest way for a family to enjoy there favorite movies, built on XBMC using the power of the Version 2 skin engine built by J Marshall viewing your movies has never been easier
Just add your cover, and maybe a video preivew or overlay and your done. Press down to retrun to home from anywhere and press up to fast jump though list

Q - How do I access Settings?

Q - How do I access the FTP?
A - User = XBOX
Pass = XBOX
port = 21

Q - How What Media is supported
A - Nearly all Video, Music and Picture formats. Xbox Games and Apps will launch if default.xbe is present

Q - Where is my Media
A - Dragon Media Player/- Media (this can be changed, see below)

Q - Graphics Disapear at times?
A - Most Likely your FolderArt.jpg are to large and should be around 512 width

Q - Can I change the look and animation of the interface?

Q - Can I refresh a Thumbnail that has changed or is broken?
A - Yes Press the LEFT THUMBSTICK in this will remove the old one so a new one can be rebuilt

Q - Can I refresh the settings and thumbnails to defaults
A - YES While booting hold down both thumb sticks

Q - Can I show the Memory Remaining and other debug information
A - YES While booting hold down X and Y buttons

Q - Can I change from NTSC or PAL? (NTSC recommended as games run better and HD is supported)
A - YES Press the RIGHT THUMBSTICK in and select the changer

Q - Is Hi Def supported
A - YES 720P is supported. You must be NTSC and the MS dash must be setup to support it

--------------------- LOCATION OF THE MEDIA ---------------------

To change the location of your media change Dragon Media Player//UserData//sources.xml
<path>Q:\- Media\</path> // Delete add or change a path Q:/ is Dragon Media Player Path no matter where it is
<path>F:\</path> // Delete add or change a path
<path>G:\</path> // Delete add or change a path
<path>E:\Emulators\</path> // Delete add or change a path

********** SUPPORT FILES **********


FileName.jpg - Artwork on Scrolling List when over the file
FileName.xmv - Movie that plays when over the file
Overlay.png - Animated Overlay when over the file

***** WHEN OVER A FOLDER *****

FolderArt.jpg - Artwork of the when over the folder
FolderArt.xmv - Movie that plays when over a folder
Overlay.png - Animated Overlay when over a folder

***** WHEN IN A FOLDER *****

CustomOverlay.png - Overlay when in that folder (fast and always there)

FolderArt.jpg - Artwork of the when over the folder
FolderArt.resize - The same file as above but with smaller dimensions 500x400 aprox renamed. This will overtake FolderArt.jpg with low mem usage FolderArt and wont slideshow at 720P looking low res

Autoplay.txt - Will cue and play an album (can be video)
Slideshow.txt - Slidshows the folder when selected
Shutdown.txt - Shutsdown when selected
Reboot.txt - Reboots when selected


Dragon/Customisation/BackgroundMusic.mp3 - Background Music track that can be enabled
Dragon/Customisation/Settings Background.xmv - Background Video of the Setting Screen or Video Screensaver


Movies can be stacked with -CDx
will become Movie.avi
taservec escribió:Es bastante visual e intutivo, pero como se hace para poner todas las caratulas de peliculas,juegos,musica,, en que carpetas hay que colocar imagenes.?


Si es un XBMC modificado creo que irán en las mismas carpetas de siempre,la carpeta donde se encuentra el .xbe nombradas a default.tbn o FolderArt.png

Pd: 10 minutos buscando la info y Chinot me gana por 1 minuto [carcajad]
Me gusta, pero he hecho softmod a la xbox para instalarle XBMC + unleashX hace ya tiempazo y así la dejé, no la volví a tocar en ese sentido, osea que ahora estoy perdido. ¿Cómo instalo esto? [+risas]
no tenia ni idea de que existia, voy a probarlo!!!
Hero Of Time escribió:Me gusta, pero he hecho softmod a la xbox para instalarle XBMC + unleashX hace ya tiempazo y así la dejé, no la volví a tocar en ese sentido, osea que ahora estoy perdido. ¿Cómo instalo esto? [+risas]

Copia la versión que mas te guste en F:/emulators y a partir de aquí ya tu le pones en la carpeta "Media" lo que quieras tener en el dash.

Para ponerlo como dash principal, supongo que Hal9000 no tardará mucho a ponerle una entrada en el xelector, para hacerlo facilito. :)
Si, lo tengo hecho, pero yo al ser un launcher, que es mas que otra forma de llamar al dash, lo emplazo en unidad://apps/dragon
Perfecto, tienes razón mejor en apps [oki]

Ayer estuve probando la versión POSTER con las caratulas de juegos y es realmente fluido. A ver si le pido a BP un background verde, que queda mas conjuntado con las caratulas. :)
Estoy haciendo pruebas y la verdad que queda de lujo, solo es cuestion de ir añadiendo a cada carpeta Folderart.jpg , pero con las caratulas de juegos y las peliculas, veo que hay que ponerlas en pequeño.. Todo esto probado en Fanart.

Para la previsualizacion sera un archivo folderart.xmv supongo..
Para caratulas queda mucho mejor la versión POSTER.

A partir de la R2, las imágenes irán así:

Dragon Fanart -- FolderArt.jpg
Dragon Poster -- Poster.jpg

Así podremos tener los dos archivos en una misma carpeta, y podremos cambiar la de versión solo sobrescribiendo una a la otra.

folderarts para todos nada ilegal solo que lo encontré navegando por interne http://s.imgur.com/a/tAiHl http://s.imgur.com/a/74T5w son albums con imagenes para elegir a gusto y no incumple el copyright :D
Buen aporte Pablo! a ver si hacemos una buena colección :)

Yo recomiendo Latest Screens, con un montón de wallpapers y screenshots ;)

Alguien sabe cual es la ultima version ? encontré la R6,pero si mal no recuerdo hace poco vi la R8 y R9 buscando info en google,no puedo dar con ella en estos momentos }:/
Esas versiones son viejas, ahora han lanzado un nuevo DRAGON... y próximamente viene la R2. Os dejo una preview , de la versión POSTER :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu7kUNL ... e=youtu.be
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