DsOrganize 2.61 y Warcraft : Tower Defense v0.4.0

Novedades de DsOrg:
Novedades escribió:* Fixed incorrect sprite for calendar error.
* Fixed error in the INI parser for colors that caused black keyboard bug.
* Fixed inverted background color bug on scribble editor.
* Fixed DSOrganize not booting on NeoFlash cards!
* Worked on NSF unresponsive keypad.
* Worked on SPC sound a bit. Some of the echo is due to the library I used, sorry.
* Changed volume control to allow less than 100%.
* Changed browser to remember the last position of the cursor in each directory.
* Started new project of separate compiles per device of exec_stub.bin
o GBAMP specific build: WORKING
o R4/M3 Simply specific build: WORKING
o DLDI generic build: WORKING in some cases

Pagina de DsOrg

Novedades de Warcraft:
4/02/2007 : v0.4 beta
= PAFS version was broken in the last release, now it's working again
= corrected the bug that prevented max towers bonus for first evolution to be applied at start
= corrected colors of selection circle, it looks better now
= fixed the animation bug when a monster is killed at spawn
= fixed sprite scrolling, now sprites are in phase with background while scrolling
+ updated the map editor, see its changelog for details
+ added a bunch of new features for maps, like small & transparent monsters, W3 damage
style, choice for the colors used in the minimap for painting entities...
+ complete rewrite of the sprite engine, now sprites corruptions problems should be fixed
+ added a nice zoom effect when building/upgrading towers
+ added current window display on minimap
+ you can now scroll the map directly by dragging the window on the minimap
+ monsters are now hidden and no more over a tower when you build a tower over a dead one
+ added a flashing message when a new evolution is available and wasn't before
+ you can now scroll maps in the map selection screen directly by touching the scroll bar
+ added the option to build tower by double-tapping
+ added the option to choose L/R to work as a switch and don't need to be held
+ added the option to allow to build multiple towers at once
+ added the option to choose the position of the in-game build menu
+ added an option menu
+ added a Linux script for PAFS version
+ added multiple paths management (up to 4)
+ removed the 40 monsters spawn limit per rounds, now up to 256 monsters per path can be spawned in a round (but remember that only 40 can be active)
+ added stereo sound placement
+ updated & added some new maps (try the map Hellgate Keeper's to the new features in action!)
+ added a new pathfinder, quite faster than the old one but less accurate
+ little optimizations here and there

Descarga: http://noda.online.fr/wtd/wtd_v0.4_beta.rar
Descade aquí no hace falta registrarse, nunca me han gustado los warcraft, pero a este estoy viciado!!
link descarga
leisi escribió:Descade aquí no hace falta registrarse, nunca me han gustado los warcraft, pero a este estoy viciado!!
link descarga

Ok, (No lo encontraba por ningun lado!)
alguien puede esplicar como se juega, siempre se me keda colgado a la hora de escoger mapa
alexxxbcn escribió:alguien puede esplicar como se juega, siempre se me keda colgado a la hora de escoger mapa

A mi me pasa igual

Cuando se podra navegar por texto? en la 2.70?

Es que yo pruebo con la 2.60 y no me deja, se llena la barrita esa en gris y se queda igual.
5 respuestas