DSx86 v0.02 Alpha Release Notes
This is just a minor incremental update to version 0.01, nothing
major has changed, but the opcode support has improved quite a bit
(though still is far from complete), and I have done other fixes and
improvements, based on the feedback I got from version 0.01.
The major changes are the following:
- Opcodes for INC, DEC, LEA, LES, LDS, TEST are fully supported.
- Opcodes for moving to/from segment registers are fully supported.
- All 8086 shift opcodes are supported (the 286 versions not yet).
- Most (but not all) of the other unsupported opcodes in the debug
logs I have received are now supported.
- I/O port handling has been improved, for example alternate Sound
Blaster I/O port accesses are now silently ignored.
- You can now reboot the shell while in the debugger by pressing the
´X´ button (or using the bottom row ´X´ command and ´v´ for Enter).
- Leisure Suit Larry 3 and Solar Winds are now working better.
DSx86 does not have an inbuilt command interpreter (or shell), so you need to also download a DOS program that provides the command shell features. Currently the only supported shell is 4DOS version 7.50, freeware by Rex Conn & JP Software. The only file you absolutely need is the 4DOS.COM program, but if you have space on your SD card you can download the auxiliary files as well.
The recommended place to put these files on your SD card is /data/dsx86/4dos/ directory, but also /data/dsx86/, /4dos/ and root directory will work.
The biggest changes in this version are the following:
- EGA 320x200 16-color graphics mode support.
- Packed File Corrupt problem handling.
- Most of the 8086 opcodes are now supported.
New supported games are Galactic Battle and Duke Nukem 2. Both
use the EGA 320x200 16-color mode. Duke Nukem2 uses also two new
SoundBlaster DSP commands, for playing 2-bit ADPCM and for playing
silence, which are now both supported.
This version has all (unless I have missed something) of the
simple 8086 opcodes supported, and it has slightly improved
support for CGA and EGA graphics modes as well. I have gone
thru most of the log files I have received and fixed many of
the issues in those log files as well.
This is a bit of an unscheduled release, as my development
PC has started to act up (blue screens and boot failures), so
I decided to release this version now in case the machine stops
working completely.
g77 escribió:Versión 0.04 disponible.This version has all (unless I have missed something) of the
simple 8086 opcodes supported, and it has slightly improved
support for CGA and EGA graphics modes as well. I have gone
thru most of the log files I have received and fixed many of
the issues in those log files as well.
This is a bit of an unscheduled release, as my development
PC has started to act up (blue screens and boot failures), so
I decided to release this version now in case the machine stops
working completely.
The biggest changes in this version are the following:
- CGA mode now supports both DIRECT and BLITTED screen update modes.
Direct mode is faster, but not all opcodes are supported, so if
you get unsupported opcode problems when using DIRECT mode, switch
to for example 30FPS mode and the game should run.
- EGA mode improved, now runs Commander Keen 4. Still a lot of EGA
features remain unsupported, so this still needs quite a bit of work.
Some INT and DOS features, along with missing opcodes have also
been added, based on the log files I received from the 0.04 version.
This version mostly improves the EGA support, but it also has
the following changes:
- New keyboard graphics by L.D. Ash from http://www.violationentertainment.com
- The meaning of the debugger "G" and the NDS "B" button has been
swapped. Thus, you get the keyboard back after going to the
debugger with the B button, and touching G and V stays in the
debugger screen.
- Shoulder L and R buttons scroll the zoomed screen horizontally,
unless they are mapped to PC keys in the INI file.
- New "HDD led" on the bottom screen, so you can see when
the game accesses the SD card.
- The unknown INT10 call in Prince of Persia is now ignored.
- Several TEXT mode opcodes have been added, based on the debug logs.
This version has no improvements to the unsupported INT calls.
I plan to work on those for the next version.
This version has the following changes:
- CGA and TEXT modes are now always blitted, the Direct screen update
setting behaves similarly to 60 FPS setting.
- About a dozen new EGA opcodes and DOS interrupt functions added.
- Fixed bugs in "!" key, DOS memory resize function, divide opcode,
and memory access to EMS page frame.
- Various other minor fixes and improvements.
This version has a great number of changes, the most important being:
- Mouse support. You can select whether the D-Pad emulates cursor keys or
mouse by toggling the "Mouse"/"Keybd" text on the touchpad. A/B buttons
are the mouse buttons when in mouse mode.
- VGA Mode-X support. All 320-pixel wide modes (320x200, 320x240, 320x400,
320x480) are supported, other widths not yet. The modes with 400 lines
or more are prescaled vertically to fit into 200/240 lines (and to get
a sensible image aspect ratio).
- CGA 640x200 monochrome mode support.
- Key repeat added. When you keep a key down, it repeats, like in a real
PC keyboard.
- Many problems in log files I have received fixed, more info in my blog
- Master of Orion and Electranoid are running in this version.
- New mouse emulation mode, you can use the touchpad as a direct mouse
input with the stylys.
- Increased EMS memory to 1.5MB.
- Preliminary EGA 640x200x16 mode support.
- DOS System File Table handling, which fixes problems with the 4DOS
batch file functions.
- Many problems in log files I have received fixed, more info in my blog
New EGA 640x350x16 and VGA 640x480x16 graphics modes.
The NDS shoulder buttons scroll the zoomed screen left/right (as before) when not already at the edge, and up/down after that.
Fixed Master of Orion SB digital audio problems.
Changed EGA text output to use INT43 vector (fixes text problems in Space Quest I, etc).
Fixed EGA Read Mode 1 handling (DOUBOLO).
Improved EGA palette handling (ZOOL).
Fixed WC2 savegame handling, which was broken by the DUNE2 savegame handling fix. They call the same DOS function, but expect it to behave differently. Argh!
Added support for INT03 (see previous blog post) and INTO (overflow interrupt).
Implemented Mode-X VGA offset handling (Alien Breed, Traffic Department 2192).
Implemented diskette motor counter handling to INT8 (should fix Civilization hang problem).
Added about a dozen new EGA graphics opcodes.
Added about a dozen new Mode-X graphics opcodes.
Added support for several new DOS and Mouse interrupts.
Added support for several new I/O ports.
Added most of the previously missing characters to the 6x8 text mode font.
Attempt to avoid writing duplicate entries to the debug log.
Ignore SB Direct DAC output for now, pending proper implementation.
The Zoom modes now scroll smoother than before (using the trigger KEY_L and KEY_R buttons). When already at the left/right edge, they start scrolling up/down, with the KEY_L preferring to scroll up and KEY_R preferring to scroll down. The longer you keep the button down the faster it will scroll, so quick taps will move the screen in short increments.
Fixed a bug in REP CMPS Carry flag setting after the string comparison. This could have caused string comparisons to return the opposite order.
Fixed problems in string opcodes when indices wrap around the segment. This caused Jumpman 2 to crash, for example. This also seemed to get rid of the problems in Wing Commander 2 intro when using full EMS memory.
Fixed a bug in EGA 16-bit Read Mode 1 code (FS3).
Fixed VGA Line Compare Register handling (GOT).
Fixed VGA palette handling (Star Control 2).
Added support for VGA offset handling in 320x400 ModeX mode (GOT).
Added support for BIOS functions to clear and scroll up an area on the screen for all supported graphics modes (Ultima, etc).
Added BIOS INT1 default handler at F000:E987 (STARGATE).
Adjust disk free space calculation when SectorsPerCluster*BytesPerSector = 64K.
A large number of EGA and Mode-X opcodes added.
A large number of new INT calls supported (mostly just ignored).
A large number of new port I/O addresses supported (mostly just ignored).
This version again has a lot of minor fixes and improvements, nothing very
major. A few more games should run in this version.
Again a minor fix version. The biggest improvement is the removal of
the need to use the LOADFIX command for some games. Also the EGA horizontal
scrolling is now smoother than before. Besides these changes there are
quite a few added opcodes, so a few more games should run properly now.
87witos escribió:Buenas a todos, posteo porque necesito vuestra ayuda, opinión o consejo xDD
He intentado pobrar este emulador en mi unidad ez-flash IV (se que es mas antiguo que Matusalén, pero me ha ido tirando todo desde el momento y como no le doy un uso excesivo a la ds por falta de tiempo no me veo con intención de comprarme una unidad mas actualizada, ya que lo uso más para mi GB micro)
El caso es que el emulador me arranca y tal viendose el teclado en la pantalla táctil y una serie de textos en la pantalla superior.
Lo que ocurre que he metido los dos ficheros que necesita, 4dos.com y ds86x.ini, pero no me los detecta de ninguna manera, me pone todo el rato fail, con tanto fail parece las notas de mis examenes.
He probado de todas las maneras que pone en el programa, me sale siempre esto:
Initializing libFAT: FAILURE!
could not find: ´data/dsx86/dsx86.ini
could not find:´ /dsx86.ini
Starting command shell:
Try C:\data\dsx86\4dos\4dos.com.....fail!
Try C:\data\dsx86\4dos.com....fail!
Try C:\data\4dos.com...fail
No shell! system halted.
He probado la versión 0.14
¿Alguna ídea? (no se aceptan ideas basadas ni en quemar, ni dar patadas al ezIV)
Edito: pregunta tonta, no tendrá nada que ver que la unidad en la que meto la SD sea la unidad H: en vez de la unidad C: en el pc no?
Un saludo!!!
Rigle escribió:¿Sabéis si funciona bien el Prince Of Persia?
DSx86 v0.20 Beta Release Notes
This version has the following major changes:
- New IRQ handling using self-modifying code, which makes the whole
emulator about 8% faster than before.
- Keyboard handling now supports extended key codes.
- Screen update mode "Direct" removed.
- AdLib emulation has increased audio volume, and plays also the
rhythm instruments now.
- Covox/Disney Sound Source/Parallel Port DAC audio device emulation added.
- SB Direct DAC audio support added.
- SB auto-init 8bit DMA support added.
- Some other minor fixes and improvements.
Adventures of Robin Hood needed a better Stack Pointer handling.
Silpheed needed refactored string opcodes, which are now mostly done. The common REP MOVS and REP STOS variants now use the new improved memory access handling, while the less common REP SCAS and REP CMPS, and the really rare REP INS and REP OUTS still use the old method. I also fixed a problem in the internal debugger and a rather nasty bug in the port input emulation that could crash DSx86 completely, both of which happened with Silpheed. It should now run pretty much perfectly, including the complete intro.
SimAnt also needed the refactored string opcodes, but this time for EMS memory handling. I have only played the tutorial game for a little while, but it runs at least that far without problems.
Catacomb gave an "Unsupported INT" call whenever a key was pressed. This was caused by it calling the original BIOS INT9 handler without pushing the flags, so when the INT9 call returned it popped flags from a location in stack that could contain whatever data. The data it popped happened to contain 1 in the bit that went into the CPU Trap Flag. So, the next opcode caused a CPU single step trap, which then caused an unsupported INT call when there was no handler for the single step interrupt. I fixed this problem by turning the Trap Flag back off and ignoring the Single Step interrupt when no handler is present.
Castle Master had stopped working in version 0.15. This was due to my improved Vertical Blank handling. I am still not quite sure why my swapping the Vertical Blank bit hanged Castle Master, but in any case I adjusted the Vertical Blank bit reporting once more. Now it reports Vertical Blank during DS hardware screen scanlines 128..191 (just before the real vertical blank interval). This seemed to still keep the horizontal smooth scrolling in Supaplex, but also allowed Castle Master to run. This fix should also help with the slow palette animation in History Line, and possibly other games.
F29 Retaliator needed quite a few JPE and JPO opcode hacks. It used those opcodes (which are not natively supported by DSx86, so I need to add game-specific code for each game that uses those opcodes) in several locations in the code, so I am still not sure I found and added them all. The game does get in-game fine now, though. Please send me debug logs if you get this game to drop into a debugger with "Unsupported opcode".
Operation Wolf had an unsupported EGA opcode in the demo game. I refactored this opcode to use the new memory handling, and the demo game seemed to perform fine. I couldn't figure out how to start the actual game, though, so I'm not sure if this game works properly yet.
Super Solvers: Challenge of the Ancient Empires! also had a problem with it needing a JPO opcode. I added support for this opcode at the start of the "India & China" part of the game, but haven't tested whether the problems in other parts were fixed by this also. Please send me a debug log if you still get opcode errors in this game.
Windows 3.0. This is perhaps the biggest new application that runs in this version. I had seen a YouTube video of someone testing Windows 3.0 on DSx86, and it seemed to report that "DOS version 3.1 or newer is required", which did not make much sense when DSx86 reports DOS 5.00 by default. So, I decided to install my old Windows 3.00a floppy disks in DOSBox and see what is going on with it in DSx86. Here is a list of the things I needed to fix to make Windows 3.0 run.
After Windows queried the DOS version (5.00) it proceeded to scan the low memory for a string "CON". When found, it looked for the three next occurences of this string in memory, and reported "Incorrect DOS version" if all three of these occurences were not at equal distance from each other. A rather peculiar check for a DOS version... Anyways, it found the text "CON" in the System File Table in DSx86, for stdin file handle, and also another instance in the table for stdout, but it didn't find a third instance, as there was none in DSx86. Well, normally there should be three instances, stdin, stdout and stderr, so I added the missing "CON" file into the System File Table, and Windows 3.0 progressed further.
The next problem was that it ran into a protected-mode opcode, which is not supported in DSx86 as it only emulates a 80186 processor. I tried to start Windows with "WIN /r" command, to force it to go into Real Mode, but that did not help, it still attempted to use the protected mode opcode. I then debugged the code before this opcode, and noticed that Windows 3.0 detects the CPU type it is running on by first shifting a register value 32 bits left. The old 8088/8086 processors did not mask the shift count, so when shifting a 16-bit register 32 bits, the result is always zero. Processors from 80186 onwards mask the shift count to 5 bits, so shifting by 32 bits is the same as shifting by 0 bits, so the original value of the registers stays intact. This was OK in DSx86, the register value stayed intact, so Windows 3.0 noticed it was not running on 8088/8086 processor. Next Windows 3.0 pushed the stack pointer, and checked whether the pushed value was the original stack pointer value. This is where DSx86 did not work as it should. My Turbo Assembler 3.0 Reference Guide states that 8086 pushed the decremented value, while processors from 80286 and up push the original value. It does not mention 80186 processor at all, so I had assumed it works like 80286. Now I found out that 80186 has the same bug as the 8086 processor, it pushes the already decremented value. I changed this, and got Windows 3.0 to load up fine. Hopefully this change does not break any games that might try to detect the processor type and want a 286 or newer processor.
Next I tried to make Windows 3.0 detect a mouse, but it looked like any other options besides PS/2 mouse makes Windows 3.0 go thru the serial ports and try to forcibly detect the mouse type connected to the serial port. So, I decided to look into finally emulating a PS/2 mouse as well. DOSBox was again quite a good reference for this, so after a few tries I got the PS/2 mouse emulation working. I haven't tested this in any other software besides Windows 3.0, so it might not work properly anywhere else, and there is also a risk that the normal mouse handling does not work any more in games that suddenly see a PS/2 mouse.
I fought for a long time with the touchpad mouse emulation, trying to match the position DSx86 thinks the mouse is at with the position where Windows 3.0 wants to display the mouse cursor. I think the biggest problem is that if the mouse moves more than a certain number of pixels per a single mouse interrupt, the move goes over the Doublespeed Threshold, and Windows 3.0 moves the mouse a double distance. This is pretty hard to take into account when just clicking around the screen, so instead of the Touchpad Mouse I focused on trying to make at least the D-Pad mouse working properly. After several tries and doublespeed threshold adjustments I finally got the D-Pad mouse to stay in sync between Windows and DSx86.
I also got annoyed with the awkwardness of moving the mouse out of the visible screen area in Zoom mode, and then having to scroll the screen, and then continue with the mouse movement, so now the screen scrolls automatically also in D-Pad mode when the cursor goes near the screen border. There is again a risk that this breaks some games, but I trust you will let me know if this happened. :-)
Anyways, I'm not quite sure how useful Windows 3.0 in Real Mode is, and I also haven't looked into how to enable EMS support in it (which I believe it should be able to use), but I'll let you testers experiment with it. I found one program that runs in Windows 3.0 Real Mode, Moontool by John Walker, so I immediately downloaded that and tested it, and indeed it runs fine also in DSx86. The Garbo Windows 3.1 Archives might also have some programs that run also in Windows 3.0, so feel free to test if you are interested.
sergioperez escribió:Ya ha lanzado la versión 0.20!
Heroes II Of might and magic en la Nintendo DS funcionando perfecto desde la 0.15
The next problem was that it ran into a protected-mode opcode, which is not supported in DSx86 as it only emulates a 80186 processor
sergioperez escribió:Ya ha lanzado la versión 0.20!DSx86 v0.20 Beta Release Notes
This version has the following major changes:
- New IRQ handling using self-modifying code, which makes the whole
emulator about 8% faster than before.
- Keyboard handling now supports extended key codes.
- Screen update mode "Direct" removed.
- AdLib emulation has increased audio volume, and plays also the
rhythm instruments now.
- Covox/Disney Sound Source/Parallel Port DAC audio device emulation added.
- SB Direct DAC audio support added.
- SB auto-init 8bit DMA support added.
- Some other minor fixes and improvements.
Heroes II Of might and magic en la Nintendo DS funcionando perfecto desde la 0.15
Rapindrive escribió:sergioperez escribió:Ya ha lanzado la versión 0.20!DSx86 v0.20 Beta Release Notes
This version has the following major changes:
- New IRQ handling using self-modifying code, which makes the whole
emulator about 8% faster than before.
- Keyboard handling now supports extended key codes.
- Screen update mode "Direct" removed.
- AdLib emulation has increased audio volume, and plays also the
rhythm instruments now.
- Covox/Disney Sound Source/Parallel Port DAC audio device emulation added.
- SB Direct DAC audio support added.
- SB auto-init 8bit DMA support added.
- Some other minor fixes and improvements.
Heroes II Of might and magic en la Nintendo DS funcionando perfecto desde la 0.15
FOTOS YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sergioperez escribió:Bueno, parece que he tenido una confusión al leer el wiki, lo he confundido con el Might And Magic 2, el Heroes 2 no funciona por esto:The next problem was that it ran into a protected-mode opcode, which is not supported in DSx86 as it only emulates a 80186 processor
Rapindrive escribió:mi gozo en un pozo :c
sergioperez escribió:Rapindrive escribió:mi gozo en un pozo :c
Tranquilo, que seguro que en alguna de las futuras versiones funcionará, y posiblemente en un futuro no muy lejano xD