DualSenseX [DSX], le da mejor soporte a los controles DualSense de PS5 en la PC permitiendolos usar en juegos que no los soportan, ademas de poder emular controles de XBX360 y de PS4, soporte a conexion por USB y por BT, en USB es posible tener el audio desde el control DualSense
Disponible la descarga desde la pagina oficial o desde la tienda de steam.
Requiere de los complementos:
- ViGEmBus Driver -->github.com/ViGEm/ViGEmBus
- HidHide Driver (OPTIONAL) -->github.com/ViGEm/HidHide
- Support for 20+ Languages
- Self updating App, I will always strive to make the experience easy and hassle-free
- Launch App with Windows Startup
- Speaker/Headphone Jack audio (USB ONLY)
- Test out the controller to make sure all the buttons and joysticks function as intended
- Get Battery life status of controller (Connecting through USB cable will show 100% needs to be tweaked)
- Configure Controller LED to your liking
- Test out different Adaptive Trigger Modes and controller vibration
- See a list of supported games in the "Games" Tab (Work in progress)
- Game doesn't support controller? Map keyboard button clicks to controller buttons to simulate key presses.
- Auto connect controller when app launches, with ability to also kill steam if it's running.
- Change between different hand selected backgrounds for the App
- Dark and Light Mode
- Custom Border RGB Color with Transparency options
- and many more...
Otra cosa interesante es el tema de MODs de Juegos con esta APP.
Game Mods with DualSenseXList of available Game Mods using DualSenseX to communicate with the controller:
-- DualSenseAT Central Hub Mod App
Central Hub Mod App: DualSenseAT
Game: Many games supported
--Cyberpunk 2077 Mod
Game: Cyberpunk 2077:
Mod Name: DualSense Adaptive Trigger Effects (Nexusmods)
--Forza Horizon 4 and 5 Mod
Game: Forza Horizon 4 and 5:
Mod Name: ForzaDualSense (Github)
--Game: Assetto Corsa Mod
Game: Assetto Corsa:
Mod Name: DualSenseXLink (Race Department)
--GTA 5 Mod
Game: GTA 5:
Mod Name: DualSense4GTA5 (GitHub)
@John D.#3775
--Duck Game Mod
Game: Duck Game:
Mod Name: DualSense Adaptive Triggers (Steam)
--Skyrim SE Mod
Game: Skyrim SE:
Mod Name: Skyrim SE Dual Sense Adaptive Trigger Mod
Do NOT use these Mods in online games to avoid getting banned, doing so will be at your own risk. DSX will hold NO responsibility for using these Mods.