Duda Easy Phoenix Install


Pues tengo una duda he estao mirando en las buskedas xo no veo nada asi k si ya esta y no lo he visto pido disculpas x el post.

El tema es k kiero meterle el Xploit a la XBox y he visto eso del Easy Phoenix Install y mi pregunta es:

Yo tengo la XBox sin xhipear, sin nada, recien pillada, si le meto la dashboard correspondiente, la enchufo al PC y tal, arranco el Programa y voy metiendo los datos.¿me mete el Xploit bien?, Es decir, se instala como es debido?? o hace falta tener ya la XBOX hackeada con algun chip o algo???

Pues nada, muchas gracias y espero haber sido claro en la pregunta :D

00. Unzip the epl_30.zip file into its own folder
01. Copy the Easy Phoenix Loader[V30_BOND]/[V30_MECH].zip file to your memory card using the action replay software
02. Boot the XBox without a game in the drive
03. This will bring up the MS Dashboard
04. Copy the save game from the XBox Memory Card to the XBox's Hard Disk
05. Boot the 007 Agent Under Fire Game/MechAssault and "Load Mission/Run Linux" from "XBox Hard Disk"
06. This will bring up MXM
07. Press the Y Button on the XBox Controller to bring up the MXM Menu
08. Scroll Down till the Systems Information is Highlighted and press the A button on the controller Game Pad
09. When the System Information Screen Appears Along the left side you will see the IP address of your xbox
10. FTP into your xbox using your favorite FTP Client
11. Backup your XBox C: and E: Drives of your XBox to your PC [YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
12. Press the B Button on your XBox game controller to return the the menu
13. Press the B Button again on your XBox game controller to return to the Dash Menu
14. In the menu options you will see a "Install Options"
15. Use the D pad to highlight the "Install Options" and Press the A Button to go into the Install Options Sub Menu
16. In the Install Sub Menu highlight the "Install Audio Exploit" and click the A Button On your Game Controller
17. Answere any Questions presented to you. You will be prompted when Audio Exploit is finished completly
18. Next highlight whichever dash installation option listed you would like to have installed and click the A Button
19. Answere any Questions presented to you. You will be prompted when the new dashboard is installed completly
20. Powered off the XBox
21. Turn on the XBox without a game disk in and let the Microsoft Dashboard load
22. On the Microsofts Main Dashboard Screen choose the Music option
23. Hit "Down" on the D Pad of your XBox Controller until the blank track is highlighted and click the "A" Button
24. Hit "Down" on the D Pad of your XBox Controller until the "Copy" Option is highlighted in the Audio CD Track Screen
25. Hit "A" to select the "Copy" option from the Audio CD Track Screen
26. Hit "Right" till the "Copy" option is highlighted and hit the "A" Button
27. Hit "A" to select the "New Sound Track" option from the Choose Sound Track Screen
28. Hit "A" to Select the "Done" option from the Name Sound Track Screen
29. XBox will boot into the installed dash after loading the new bios... congrats and have fun

Pues eso, que necesitas el 007 o el Mechassault para usar el exploit de la partida y cargar el menu del EPL. Para pasar la partida a la xbox necesitaras una memorycard.

ke onda,
pues me baje Easy Phoenix Install Release 3.0
sirve para cualkier version de xbox?
y en las carpetas por ejemplo la de xploit/font no hay nada adentro yo tengo ke meterle los xploits?
pk hay otra carpeta llamada tools donde hay un zip llamado fonts.
gracias por su ayuda.
2 respuestas