[DUDA]Guia completa para Wild Arms?


He desenvolpado mi vieja PSX y como no, he decidido empezar por el Wild Arms, en su día me lo pasé "bien" sin guía ni trampa ni cartón, pero seguro que me dejé muchas cosas por el camino. Me gustaría saber si existe alguna guía con imágenes y mapas de las mazmorras en algún lado. He buscado en San Google y la verdad lo poco que he encontrado deja mucho que desear...

Muchas gracias!
Había una guía bastante bastante buena que venía con la superjuegos y otra no tan completa con la Playmanía. Cuestión de encontralas escaneadas por ahí.
Si, la guia de playmania, ahi venia como hacer lo del ragu o ragla y todo eso.
Había que coger un teletransportador de esos 6 o 7 veces y en una de
ellas no rebotaba y se quedaba en una dungeon en el espacio

me acuerdo que en un libro en la libreria secreta al principio del juego con cecilia lo
menciona al jefe este, y no se menciona mas en el juego, vamos como para
encontrarlo sin guia...

Optional Boss 9: Ragu Ragla
Difficulty: Hardest fight in the game
Party: Rudy ??, Jack ??, Cecilia ?? (Never went for him)
Location: Abbys
Experience: ???
Cash: ???
How to meet him: First Jack should have the Guitar of Maya which is stored in
the final Dungeon Malduke. One of the Elws of Tarjon should
also have told you about what could happen when something
goes wrong when using the Elw pyramids.
Go to Milama and go to the Elw pyramid here. Keep on
teleporting until you end up in a secret dungeon. This is
the abbys. A dark dungeon where light isn't allowed. Enemies
are fucking hard here too.
Reward: Sheriff Star. Resists all status changes and make you heal by
magical attacks
Preparations: Be level 99 or bring tons of goat dolls.

I know very little about the Ragu Ragla. I never went for him, I only saw a
friend of mine beating him. He had all party members at level 99 and the Ragu
Ragla refused to use his powerfull spells so he had an easy victory, but most
people won't be so lucky, that's what I know for sure. Bringing a lot of Goat
Dolls will be your only chance of winning when you don't want to boost till
level 99. Fact is.... I personnally don't see a reason why to fight the Ragu
Ragla. When you're able to beat him you don't need that fucking Sheriff Star,
thrust me. Only go for him when you want to complete the game with all the
optional bosses (as an act of honor or something cheesy like that).
I also recommend to cast "Escape" after you beat him so you don't need to walk
the way back.
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