Dudas Sobre el Suikoden IV

Ando jugando al Suikoden IV y tengo algunas dudas.

Para qué valen los trozos de runa que se ponen en las armas a los personajes?? Yo las voy poniendo pero no veo ninguna diferencia, por lo menos que yo me de cuenta.

Sé que hay una runa, pero no me acuerdo cual es, que cuando luchas con los enemigos, tiene una opcion, en el mismo menu que estampida, potch, liberar... que si la pulsas divide la pantalla en dos como si le dieras con una espada y terminas el combate. Muy util para sacar dinero y no perder tiempo en los combates.

Tengo mas dudas pero no me acuerdo, luego me pongo a jugar y las ire poniendo.

Por cierto, lo poco que he visto sobre este juego, guias, trucos, etc.. todo en ingles... Algun lugar en cristiano???

Por ciertos, los otros Suikoden, en que formato e idioma aparecieron??


Soy Say We All...
Del Suikoden IV no te puedo decir nada xq no lo tengo pero respecto a los otros:

Suikoden I y II ---> ambos salieron para la psx, en formato PAL, y en un español que dejaba mucho que desear (no estoy seguro, pero creo q los dos estaban en español).

Suikoden III ---> salió sólo en américa (NTSC), y por tanto está en inglés.

Un saludo!
Lo de las runas para las armas son elementos, si te fijas, al atacar sale como una explosión, por ejemplo, de fuego, si el elemento que predomina es el fuego. Es para dar poder elemental al personaje. No es algo muy relevante en el juego.
Lo del ataque estampida solo se puede hacer pasado un tiempo, es simplemente un ataque fuerte contra todos los enemigos, q ademas cura al héroe.

Suikoden 1 esta PAL en inglés.
Suikoden 2 esta en español sudamericano [tomaaa] también PAL.
Suikoden 3 solo está en inglés y japonés, no hay PAL..... [noop]

Saludos ;)
yo toy to enganchao al suikoden, voy bastante avanzado o eso creo xD porque ya toy en la fortaleza de los malos y toy combatiendo con un pedazo de bicho enorme, espero que no sea tan corto porque solo llevo 20 horas jugadas

yo te puedo pasar una guia pero solo de los personajes que hay para elegir y donde conseguirlos, de los combos es decir quienes son las personas que hacen combos, y combos magicos y poco mas, e buscado por tos laos una guia decente y nada por ningun lao :(

se que hay una cosa pa cojer unas estrellas o noseque tambien tengo la guia pero no la e mirado.

nose el juego es bastante facel por ahora, espero que se vaya complicando que me gustan los retos :D
1º El Suikoden III es "facil" (pongo facil entre comillas) de entender?? o es muy chungo?? es que mi ingles no es que sea la leche...

Me gustaria jugarlo, pero no complicarme la vida, me lo recomendais??

2º Kiris, realmente me estas diciendo que me olvide de las runas de las armas??? es que entre que yo no le veo mucha utilidad, y tu me dices que no es relevante no se que hacer!!

3º El_Canela, si estas en la fortaleza poco te queda. Yo me lo acabe en la linea rapida. Esta es la segunda vez que juego, solo que quiero jugar consiguiendome a todos los personajes. El juego no es que sea muy largo pero te puedes entretener. Yo estoy viciada perdida a los mini-juegos de cartas y fichas, te aseguro que cuando me quiero dar cuenta me pasan las horas, pero es que yo soy asi.... ;-)

4º Alguien sabe como narices funciona el rollo de los mapas del tesoro por que tengo unos cuantos!!!!!!!

Soy Say We All...
joer pos si que es corto entonces :(

pero no los tengo en lvl mu alto los tengo en lvl 54 por hay me recomendais algun sitio pa ir y subir rapidito?

y tambien quiero saber paque sirven los mapas del tesoro??!!! tengo muchos xD

tambien me encantan los mini juegos xD siempre acaban sacandome la pasta... [carcajad]
Haz lo que quieras con lo de los trozos de runa. Pon el que quede mas bonito, es lo que yo hacia xD
A mi el juego me duró 34 horas la 1ª vez, me preocupaba por encontrar a los personajes pero no los encontré todos.
La 2ª vez con todas las estrellas otras 35 horas o asi.
Los mapas del tesoro son para un personaje que no creo q hayas conseguido. Está en una isla al sureste del mapa.

Yo también me entretenia mucho con los minijuegos, y todas las demas cosas que puedes hacer en el barco. Como las conversaciones en los baños, lo de juzgar a los personajes xD, desbloqueando ataques combinados, etc.
En cuestiona los mapas del tesoro tambien quiero saber como narices funciona el tema.

Kiris, tengo al personaje de los mapas, estaba en la isla donught o como se diga, me dice como funciona el tema y listo. Pero que hago con el resto delos mapas??? solo saco el tesoro de la isla en la que esta ese personaje!!!

Lo de los baños, a parte de las conversaciones, vale para algo?? te dan algo??

Alguien sabe algo de la runa que comente en el primer mensaje???

Para subir rapido a los personajes mira esta guia, esta en ingles:


Thanks to a training facility new to Suikoden IV, you can now level all of your
characters (except for Reinholt) to level 99 relatively easily. Each training
session consists of 5 continuous battles against other characters with no chance
of resting in between. However, healing support is still in effect between

First of all, I recommend you attempt this before you assault the last fortress
(after you retake Obel), and if possible, during your second playthrough.
Why? Because the Fortune Rune can help speed things up quite a bit, but it is
only found in the final dungeon. Once you're in the final dungeon, you can never
set sail on your ship again, and the characters you used in Eleanor's party can
never be used again. Also, if you want to switch characters, you'll need to
climb up the entire cliff and speak to Agnes each time. However, if you don't
have the time for a second playthrough, you can still level everyone without the
Fortune Rune (and before you assault the final fortress). It will take some more
time, but it's very doable.

i. Requirements and Recommendations

- Mother Earth Rune (Warlock has one)
- Rage Rune (Conrad has one)
- Wizard Rune (increases magic, halves magic defence)
- can be purchased at the Obel Rune shop after retaking it
- Speed Ring (x6)
- Ted (at level 50 or higher)
- Hero (at level 50 or higher)
- Yuu as support
- Fortune Rune
- Mother Earth Rune (an extra one can be found through treasure hunting)
- Earth Rune

ii. Getting the hero to Level 99

The first step in getting everyone to level 99 is to first level up your hero.
Obviously, you'll want to do this in as few battles as possible. For this part,
your party will consist of only the hero and Ted. Fewer characters means more
experience, and these two are all you need to finish a training session.
Having a Fortune Rune equipped on the hero will essentially halve the number of
times you have to train. With a Fortune Rune, the hero will go up about 10
levels every 3 training sessions.

Hero's equipment:
- 3 speed rings
- any armour that increases speed
- Rage Rune
- Fortune Rune (if you have one) as soon as he gets his 3rd slot
Ted's equipment:
- 3 speed rings
- any armour that increases speed
- Mother Earth rune
- Wizard Rune, as soon as he gets his 3rd slot.
(I think by level 50 he should have it)

Now, onto the actual training...

At level 50, Ted should have 3 Lv.3 magic spells. Save these for the last 3
battles of training (remember that each training session has 5 battles). The
hero should have 2 Lv.3 spells, and 1 Lv.4 spell. Save the Lv.4 spell for the
last battle, and save the Lv.3 spells for the third and fourth battles. Here's
how you would do battle:
Battle 1: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Rage Lv.2
Battle 2: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Rage Lv.2
Battle 3: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.3
Battle 4: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.3
Battle 5: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.4

After each training session, go to the inn, rest, and repeat. As Ted and the
hero start to get more Lv.3 and/or Lv.4 magic spells, then you can start using
them in earlier battles.
For example, if Ted now has 4 Lv.3 spells, and the hero now has 4 Lv.3 spells
and 2 Lv.4 spells, you would do battle like so:
Battle 1: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Rage Lv.3
Battle 2: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.3
Battle 3: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.3
Battle 4: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.4
Battle 5: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.4

As soon as Ted gets 5 Lv.3 magic spells, simply have him cast Mother Earth Lv.3
each battle. For the first 3 (maybe 4) battles, the hero won't end up casting
anything because Ted will have already defeated everyone with one spell.
Just remember to use the hero's Lv.4 spells for the later battles and don't
accidentally use a Lv.3 spell that you still have remaining.

After about 15 training sessions (30 if you don't have a Fortune Rune), the
hero should reach level 99, and Ted should be at level 98 or 97. It may seem
like a lot, but each training session shouldn't take more than a couple of
minutes. Now you're ready to start leveling up everyone else.

iii. Getting everyone else to Level 99

Here's the most time consuming part. Konami set up a 10000 experience per battle
limit, so the most any character can level up in one battle is 10 levels.
Because of this limit, a Fortune Rune is not entirely necessary for this part;
its main use is in getting the hero to level 99 quickly. However, most
characters (at least level 32) can reach level 99 in just two training sessions.

If you don't have a Fortune Rune, take your characters who are below level 32
and level them up (ideally at sea, because it's quick) until they meet that
requirement. If you do have a Fortune Rune, this isn't necessary.

Remember to remove the Fortune Rune from the hero, if you used one.

Keeping the hero and Ted in your main party, add two characters. Make sure that
they are both at least level 32. If you have one Fortune Rune, you can have one
character below level 32 in your party, but just make sure to attach the Fortune
Rune to him/her.
Also, it would be efficient to add two characters who share a unite attack with
each other. Ted shares a unite attack with Aldo/Lo Haku and Flair/Frederica, so
you should also add them together.

Now, keep doing what you did above. Have Ted cast Mother Earth Lv.3 each time,
and have the hero using his Rage Rune accordingly. Go back and heal, and do one
more training session. The two other characters in your party should have
reached level 99, just like that. :)

iv. If you have two Mother Earth Runes

Every character should only require two training sessions, so it would be nice
if you could do two training sessions at once without having to waste time going
back and healing in between. Here is what I did to accomplish that. First, set
up the hero and Ted like so:
- 3 speed rings
- any armour that increases speed
- Mother Earth Rune
- Earth Rune
- Weapon Lv.15 or 16 (as high as you can get it, ideally)
- 3 speed rings
- any armour that increases speed
- Mother Earth rune
- Wizard Rune

Warlock comes with the first Mother Earth Rune, and the second one can be found
through treasure hunting (Map #29).

At level 99, the hero should have 9/6/3/2 magic and Ted should have 9/9/6/*.
Make sure they have this or it won't work. Ted only needs 6 Level 3 spells.
The number of his Level 4 spells doesn't matter.

Training Session 1:
Battle 1: This is the only battle where things might go wrong, but since it's
the first battle, the enemies are very weak. First, have Ted use Soul Eater
Lv.2. Next, have the hero use Rune of Punishment Lv.2. This should finish off
low-HP characters like the mages, but if you are facing three high-HP
characters, it would be better to have the hero simply attack and finish off one
of them instead of leaving them all alive. Use your best judgment here. But like
I said before, this is only the first battle, so no matter what happens, you
should always come out on top. Just make sure your other two characters are
Battle 2: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Earth Lv.4
Battle 3: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rune of Punishment Lv.2
Battle 4: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rune of Punishment Lv.2
Battle 5: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Earth Lv.4

Training Session 2:
Battle 1: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Mother Earth Lv.3
Battle 2: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Mother Earth Lv.3
Battle 3: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rune of Punishment Lv.2
Battle 4: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rune of Punishment Lv.2
Battle 5: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Mother Earth Lv.3

Now, you only need to heal after your other two characters have reached level
99. Switch in two new characters, do two training sessions, heal, switch in two
more, and repeat.

*** It's not necessary for the hero to have 9/6/3/2 magic. He can have only 1
Lv.4 spell and you can still do two battles without having to rest in between,
but make sure to equip a Rage Rune on the hero in place of the Earth Rune.
Ted must still have 6 Lv.3 spells available.

DeathOne from the board has come up with this alternate method:

Training Session 1:
Battle 1: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Rage Lv.2
Battle 2: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Rage Lv.4
Battle 3: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.2
Battle 4: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.2
Battle 5: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Mother Earth Lv.3

Training Session 2:
Battle 1: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Rage Lv.2
Battle 2: Ted - Soul Eater Lv.2, Hero - Mother Earth Lv.3
Battle 3: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.2
Battle 4: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Rage Lv.2
Battle 5: Ted - Mother Earth Lv.3, Hero - Mother Earth Lv.3

v. Things to note

1) Characters in your two boat parties will not appear as enemies during
training, so use this to your advantage. There are a number of characters who
you don't want to face while training, so make sure you put them in your boat

Mizuki, Lo Fong - Their speed is high enough that they can sometimes get an
attack in before you. If they use a Lv.3 or Lv.4 attack spell, it's over.

Aldo - He has high magic defence and mid-range HP. He might remain standing
after two Mother Earth Lv.3 spells.

Tristan - Just slightly lower magic defence than Aldo, but much higher HP. He
has very high physical defence as well, making him a pain to face.

Gau - Insane amount of HP and as fast as Mizuki and Lo Fong.

The other three boat party slots can be filled with characters who you seem to
have trouble with. Some potential candidates are Dario, Eugene, Champo (high
MDF), and Cheepoo (high speed and super slow defeat animation).

* According to Lyrl Westrum, even with the hero and Ted at level 99 with speed
enhancing equipment, Viki will sometimes get in the first attack in the battle.
If she does, she can use her Blinking Rune spell that teleports enemies off
the battlefield. Putting her in one of your secondary ship parties will avoid

2) I noticed that not everyone above level 32 will level up to 99 in two
training sessions. In my experience, characters at level 47 will get to level 98
with anywhere from ~600 - ~950 experience. I also had two characters at level
52, and one of them didn't quite make it to level 99 either. If level 98 isn't a
problem for you, then it's fine, otherwise you'll need to train them a third
time, or prevent it from happening by using a Fortune Rune. There may be other
levels which cause the same problem, but so far I've only noticed it with 47 and

Soy Say We All...
7 respuestas