mira, esto es lo que dice {{909}}, uno de los mederadores de ps2covers:
the whole clip thing is complicated due the the many variations on the PS2 board.
i think theres a total of 6 different bios cofigurations over the 3 main pal models (2 per ps2) so that would probably result in 6 different clip versions. Since the user cant actually check the exact version of bios he has without opening up his ps2 then he cant really order a clip.
the real use for a clip would be for the decoder points, the points are so small i doubt a clip could be manfactured to fit it effectivly tho.
Lo que querían sacar junto al messiah no era un clip como el que va a salir junto al neo4.1. Decían que ese clip no era seguro y había un riesgo muy grande que las conexiones no hiciesen un buen contacto con la bios. Lo que querían sacar era lo que llamaban un flexi-pcb. Una caracasa flexible que se acoplaba a la placa perfectamente y que reducía los puntos de soldadura a un mínimo. Una solución que ya existía para dreamcast. Como este flexi-pcb tenia que estar acoplado perfectamente, por muy pequeños que fueran los cambios entre las distintas versiones de la placa de la ps2, el diseño de éste se vería afectado. Vamos habría que sacar una carcasa para cada versión.
Es un lio pero no es inviable. El maor problema aqui es que la persona que iba a encargarse del diseño de la carcasa es side (messiah francia), quien ha dicho que no quiere saber nada de Gazza, channel tech ni messiah. ASí estan las cosas:
We was all in a kind of Domino game, waiting for the first domino to start the rush...
but in this game, the Main domino is faking the rush day after day...and you are happy, sad... happy, sad... pressure, ... good feeling, good customer report then once again nightmare...
This is the way kids are doing and playing...
This is the way we was doing in 50-60, there is an economic term for this also, but i forget some of my lessons...
I'm sorry, and apologize, but after what i did for this chips, Web site, forums maintenance, setup, bought licence, paid expensive hosting, invest money for carcass, paid stickers for somebody, etc ....
I think, honnestly, that when somebody own so much money to some one, then he must give priority to him, especially if this guy help him to make his product popular, cause if he looks deep in his past, he ll remember the time when he thought he will sold 3000pc of those... isn't it ?...
We come, we meet, we try... we move from there !
This is not the way for doing, i apologize for all of you, who give your trust, but i cannot accept your trust, as i cannot give or told you anything correct, because all what we told to me is bullshit !
And also because i have the feeling, that money talk to someone over and over the brotherhood feeling of the past...
That's all... i don't want any public war, it's my decision, to stop this mess, go back to my usual work, satisfy my usual customer... and get my business up and running like before this story...
As for many months now, we only loose money there.
Also i have to tell that none of our customers took any risk, we mail to them and give them details how to proceed and by middle of next week all of this will be things of the past.
There is no other solution, i would like to supply to the whole world, we can bougt thousands ICs, but when we paid for 2000pc months ago, we get 400pc... so how to do ?
Anyway, no war, no more talking...
It's over for us..
I wish good success for those who stay in this fight or long wait, silence... depends of the feeling.
Even if i feel a little bit sad i wish good success to mr somebody.