Yo he encontrado esto por ahí,en unos foros...No sé si darle mucha veracidad,pero parece coherente.En cualquier caso,si lo ponen será un puntazo:
"Your character also changes depending on what you do. There are plenty of restaurants around San Andreas and you have to eat to stay healthy and retain your stamina. If you eat fast food often and don’t go to the gym, your character becomes fat, and this changes the game. Pedestrians call you a fat bastard, your running speed and strength are low, and your character’s physics change. Being fat makes missions more difficult or in some cases not possible. To fix being fat, you can go to gyms to work out. Working out gives you strength and more speed, and your character model looks fit. Rockstar wants to make you feel like you have complete control over the story and over your character, and this example of his weight is just the tip of the iceberg."
Viene a decir que nuestro personaje tiene que comer en los diferentes restaurantes repartidos por San Andreas para recuperar nuestra energía.La cosa está en que,si comemos demasiado,nuestro personaje engordará y eso influirá en él negativamente,haciendo las misiones más complicadas e incluso imposibles de realizar.La forma de evitar que engorde,será yendo a los gimnasios para ponerlo en forma....