[E3 2004] Resumen de la conferencia de Microsoft

Si algo va a dar que hablar durante los próximos días es el acuerdo entre Microsoft y EA. A parte de esta noticia, que han guardado para el final y que ha contado con la presencia de Muhammed Ali como estrella invitada, el resto de la conferencia ha resultado bastante insípida, mostrando juegos que todos conocíamos. Evidentemente no por ello dejan de impresionar, como Doom 3 o Halo 2, pero en estos acontecimientos mediáticos siempre esperamos que nos sorprendan con varios títulos totalmente nuevos.

Entre los juegos mostrados figuran: Unreal Championship 2, Full Spectrum Warrior, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Shrek 2, Showdown Legends of Wrestling, Chronicles of Riddick, Harry Potter, TMNT 2, ESPN NFL 2005, Mortal Kombat: Deception, DRIV3R, ESPN NBA 2005, StarCraft Ghost, LOTR: The Third Age, KOTOR II, Burnout 3, DoA Ultimate, Doom 3, Halo 2, Conker: Live and Reloaded, Jade Empire, Forza, MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf, Fable, Sudeki, etc.

Destacar la coletilla final de la producción de Rare y la presentación de Forza.

Entre las novedades para Xbox Live han mostrado la función de video conferencia y el nuevo servicio Xbox Live Arcade, que permitirá descargarnos juegos de tablero, puzzles, títulos clásicos, etc.

Por último, una nueva demo de Halo 2 ha aparecido en escena, como ya ocurrió el año pasado, pero en esta caso mostrando el aspecto multijugador. Durante el E3 se podrá probar el juego por primera vez, en modo Capture the Flag.

Finalmente quedaros con esta fecha, 9 de Noviembre, día en el que Halo 2 será lanzado en el mercado Norteamericano.
Y no an colgado el video presentado del halo 2 ??? Me e levantado a las 7 de la mañana solo para bajar ese video. (normalmente me llevanto alas 2 ¬¬). salu2
estas imagenes de halo2 rulaban ya? me kedao [flipa] halo 2 multiplayer [flipa]
odin-3D escribió:estas imagenes de halo2 rulaban ya? me kedao [flipa] halo 2 multiplayer [flipa]

an rulao bastante las imagenes ya si. Aora posteare el video (cuando lo acave de bajar yo xDDD). Si lo kereis klaro ;) . salu2


PD2: Bueno pos aki os lo dejo visto q aun no lo a puesto nadie poraki. salu2

[tadoramo] [tadoramo] [tadoramo] [tadoramo] [tadoramo] [tadoramo]



SALU2 !!! Y FLIPAR MUXO [tadoramo] [tadoramo]

Edito. me faltava la parte 5. salu2


Update #1

They are showing Unreal Championship 2 right now with CG and Gameplay trailers. Lots of shooting and blood. Following that is a trailer for Shrek 2, which is an upcoming platformer. They are showing Shrek and 9 of his friends, and stuff from the upcoming movie that's never been seen.

Update #2

They are now showing the upcoming Full Spectrum Warrior, which looks according to Justin Davis at the conference now, "incredibly realistic." Guys take cover behind cars, tanks are shooting, etc. These are just a series of trailers to open the show. No one has spoken yet.

Update #3

They are currently showing MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf, which looks mostly like CG. The next Conker game is currently being shown which is spoofing a scene from Terminator. Now they are showing Conker multiplayer gameplay which "looks way, way nicer than at last E3," says Justin Davis. Conker: Live and Reloaded is the official title.

Update #4

They are now showing a video for the anticipated Fable. You can be whatever you want to be... hero, tyrant, assassin, etc. Pretty much what we've seen in the past about Fable.

Now they are showing a video for Star Wars: Republic Commando, which looks visually impressive. There is some squad-based combat going on right now. They are destroying a huge enemy on-screen right now. "The Squad is your weapon" was the motto.

Update #5

Jay Allard is talking about "changing the game" with software and how they went about creating Xbox Live by speaking to real gamers. They are also doing a parody of the Apprentice with Donald Trump right now. They are giving people assignments with online games. They are also poking fun at Sony through this parody; about how they don't really have a network and how Xbox Live is so much better than Sony Online.

Update #6

The parody is continuing and they are making fun of Sony for not having integrated features in their online service; Sony didn't talk to its customers or gamers. Trump is saying, "How come the adpater isn't every box like the Xbox has." TXB was up against some Sony people, and the Sony people ended up getting fired for not having a good online system.

Now Jay Allard is talking again... 150 games on LIVE, 1 million LIVE subscribers and 24 countries are participating. "There's always something to do on Xbox Live." Now they are demonstrating the new Xbox Live features, showing the dashboard on-screen.

Update #7

The Xbox Live demo continues using Jenny McCarthy to show off the new voice message capabilities. 450,000 people have already upgraded to the new Xbox Live, which is just the tip of the iceberg. They are now showing a kind of videophone (next logical step) where you can see Jenny McCarthy through Xbox Live, and you can meet up with multiple people at the same time. Eventually, video communication will be a part of all Xbox Live experiences... will revolutionize social entertainment.

Update #8

They are now talking about and showing off the new Xbox Live Arcade, with games like Dig Dug, Tetris, card games, puzzle games, etc. These games will be available for download.

Allard is now talking about XNA and what it can do; basically what XNA allows developers to do. They are showing the car crash demo on XNA right now (which may have been shown at GDC already).

Update #9

Allard says they took the crash to the next level with XNA in only 6 weeks. "Crash Reloaded" shows much more dynamic lighting with a green car and blue car crashing into each other, with pieces flying everywhere. Allard was controlling the camera view manually during the crash. In 6 weeks they were able to add the second car and all the new crash effects.

The original creator of EverQuest has teamed up with MS to create Vanguard Saga of Heroes on XNA. He's using a Windows version of Xbox Live with XNA.

Update #10

Star Wars Republic Commando, Sudeki, Showdown Legends of Wrestling, Chronicles of Riddick, Harry Potter, TMNT 2, ESPN NFL 2005, MK: Deception, Jade Empire, MechAssault 2, DRIV3R, Shrek 2, ESPN NBA 2005, StarCraft Ghost, and more are currently being shown in quick video clips. Madden 2005 is also being shown, which interestingly didn't have the Xbox Live logo. LOTR: The Third Age, KOTOR II, Burnout 3, Full Spectrum Warrior, DoA Ultimate, DOOM III, and others were quickly just shown to highlight games.

Now Peter Moore has come out to speak.

Update #11

Halo 2 multiplayer is being demoed for the first time, and the crowd cheered very loudly. This particular map is in Zanzabar. Each suit in Halo 2 multiplayer is very customizable. In the demo, one person is a covenant and one person is a master chief guy. You can have two different weapons, one in each hand. He killed the covenant enemy and picked up his weapon. All the vehicles have been overhauled, and all are fully destructible. He blew off one wing and then the other, destroying it bit by bit; very impressive. Same can be done with the Warthog, which now is equipped with a rocket launcher. And, the more damaged your vehicle is, the harder it is to drive.

Update #12

The Halo 2 demo continues, and they are showing off the physics models by blowing up the warthog. Now he's talking about the demo that will be playable on the show floor at E3. They will have a CTF (capture the flag) map that will be fully playable. It's basically a quick flyby of the level so people know where the weapons and stuff are located.

Official street date for Halo 2 announced: November 9th. In fact the guy tatooed the Halo 2 logo and release date on his arm. Set in skin, so to speak. There will be a huge television ad campaign.

Update #13

They are now discussing DOA Ultimate, the first 3D fighting game to be playable online. It's been completely built from the ground-up for Xbox and Xbox Live. Now they are showing a demo of the game. They are detailing different characters on different stages. Tag team play is also being shown, and someone got thrown into an elephant in the background. They are now fighting on the beach in bikinis. Someone jumped on another character in the snow and slid down the snowy hill.

DOOM III will be console exclusive to the Xbox. There will be co-op play over Xbox Live and the footage shown was entirely in-game, not CG. They are now showing off dark, moody environments; lots of detailed shadows while walking through corridors; writing on the wall in blood; exploring with a flashlight and coming across dead bodies littering the floor. Now they are showing gameplay where he blows someone's head off.

Update #14

They are now discussing Jade Empire. Now a video is being shown. A warrior is trying to overthrow a tyrant. They are mostly showing off the combat system.

"Most impressive lineup for Xbox ever" says Peter Main. They've just revealed Forza Motorsports, which is the rumored "Gran Turismo killer." You can build, tune it, drive it, tune it some more, etc..."until it's no longer a machine, it's you." The performance of the cars are adversely affected by in-game damage.

Update #15

Robbie Bach (chief Xbox officer) has just been introduced to the crowd. He's summing up how far Xbox and Xbox Live has come since its launch. Microsoft is a "recognized player" now. He's talking about bringing games forward in new ways... "Best looking, best playing, and best online games." He's going over the advantages of XNA again. Xbox Live took half the time to reach 1 million subscribers than cable network HBO. They are talking about expanding the online gaming market, expanding the audience with partnerships. The range of content needs to be expanded to attract more people.

Update #16

The whole EA Sports lineup is coming to Xbox Live!! They've reached an agreement. The president of EA has just come out to speak. They have a pro athelete for each game being represented. Muhammed Ali just came out for Fight Night, and the crowd went wild chanting "Ali! Ali!" Need for Speed Underground 2, Battlefield Modern Combat, Timesplitters 3, Goldeneye 2 will all be playable on Xbox Live. "EA is committed to bringing quality software to Xbox Live."

Update #17

The conference has come to an end, with their reiterating the theme of how they are "changing the game."
Rare, 2002: "sacaremos 6 juegos en 2 años"
Impresionante...no solo no muestran nada nuevo, si no que lo ya visto como kameo por ejemplo tpoco sale...:(
Entre las novedades para Xbox Live han mostrado la función de video conferencia y el nuevo servicio Xbox Live Arcade, que permitirá descargarnos juegos de tablero, puzzles, títulos clásicos, etc.

Coñe, alguien ha dicho videoconferencia ???? :D juas q weno !!! Ahora con las invitaciones a unirnos veremos el jeto del tio q nos invita [qmparto] [qmparto]

Y lo del Arcade aunque puede parecer una pijada, a mi realmente me parece una gran idea para los ratos muertos, o cuando ya te duele la mano de tanto jugar ...

Para q luego digan q MS no se lo curra :D

Ole Ole y Olé :D

PD: Muy bueno el cartelito de apaguen los rifles laser :D:D:D:D
Acaso soy el unico q piensa q el acuerdo con EA hará que la linea XSN no se recupere nunca para xbox y perdamos juegos como topspin y links por los xurros de EA?
"Acaso soy el unico q piensa q el acuerdo con EA hará que la linea XSN no se recupere nunca para xbox y perdamos juegos como topspin y links por los xurros de EA?"

yo no lo creo, sobretodo Top Spin. Cuanta más competencia, más disfrutaremos nosotros.. es como Amped y SSX, cada uno escoge su estilo preferido y punto. [fumeta]
Bueno... esperemos que Microsoft no se duerma en los laureles con su linea deportiva y nos saque otro Top Spin y juegos similares. Y por favor, que el PES lleve Live. [beer]
Urashima escribió:Entre las novedades para Xbox Live han mostrado la función de video conferencia y el nuevo servicio Xbox Live Arcade, que permitirá descargarnos juegos de tablero, puzzles, títulos clásicos, etc.

Para videoconferencia esta claro que se necesitara una camara ¿Haciendo la competencia al eye toy? Me extraña porque algo asi lo habrian dicho a bombo y platillo. Me quedo con la incognita. [chiu]

¡¿Para cuando fotos de azafatas?! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! XD XD XD

PD: Descargando los videos de halo2, de momento he visto las imagenes y lo necesito en vena. [chulito]
bueno, empiezo yo con pajas mentales, qué bien estaría que lo del Live Arcade este estuviese relacionado con el notición de Sega y que en ese servicio se incluyesen arcades clásicos de sega a lo Golden Axe, Moonwalker...

pero lo dicho, que son idas de olla provocadas por el aburrimiento en el curro, lo que más me ha interesado de este hilo hasta ahora ha sido esto

¡¿Para cuando fotos de azafatas?! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas! ¡Queremos azafatas!

Urashima escribió:Por último, una nueva demo de Halo 2 ha aparecido en escena, como ya ocurrió el año pasado, pero en esta caso mostrando el aspecto multijugador. Durante el E3 se podrá probar el juego por primera vez, en modo Capture the Flag.

Finalmente quedaros con esta fecha, 9 de Noviembre, día en el que Halo 2 será lanzado en el mercado Norteamericano.

Solo puedo pedir que por favor... esa demo llegue a mis manos de la forma que sea... la que sea [Ooooo]
9 Noviembre............... ya voy a contar los dias jiajiajiajiajia
15 respuestas