Lista d los titulos k se presentaran en el E3, puede k haya algunas sorpresas
![burla2 [burla2]](/images/smilies/nuevos/burla_ani1.gif)
la lista es de todos los formatos...
Borderzone [working title] (PC)
Jazz and Faust (PC)
Perimeter (PC)
Spanking Runners (PC)
R.C. Cars (PC)
WWII RTS [working title] (PC)
Not presenting at this year's E3.
3D Realms
Not presenting at this year's E3.
989 Sports
NBA ShootOut 2003 (PSX, PS2)
NHL FaceOff 2003 (PSX, PS2)
NFL GameDay 2003 (PSX, PS2)
World Tour Soccer (PS2 -- video only)
All-Star Baseball 2003 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Aggressive Inline (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Burnout (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Dave Mirra BMX 3 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Headhunter (PS2)
Legends of Wrestling (GameCube, Xbox)
Mary-Kate and Ashley Sweet 16
Punch King (GBA)
Turok: Evolution (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Vexx (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
ZooCube (GBA, GameCube)
Blade 2 (PS2, Xbox)
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (GBA, GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 (GBA, PS2, Xbox)
Medieval: Total War (PC)
Minority Report (GBA, GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Rally Fusion: Race of Champions (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PS2)
Shaun Murray's Pro Wakeboarder(GBA, GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Star Trek: Elite Force II (PC)
Star Trek: Starfleet Command III (PC)
Street Hoops (PS2, Xbox)
Stuart Little 2 (GBA)
Tarzan: Return to the Jungle (GBA)
Tenchu III: Wrath of Heaven (PS2)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (GBA, GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
True Crime: Streets of LA (PS2, Xbox)
Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions (PS2)
X-Men: Next Dimension (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
X-Men: Wolverine's Revenge (GBA, GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Arxel Tribe
Hannibal (PC)
Mistmare (PC)
Ring 2 (PC)
The Gladiators (PC)
BAM! Entertainment
Chase (Xbox)
Ecks vs. Sever (PS2)
Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (GBA)
Reign of Fire (PS2, Xbox)
Riding Spirits (PS2)
Way of the Samurai (PS2)
Bethesda Softworks
Sea Dogs 2 (PC)
Neverwinter Nights (PC)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC, Xbox)
Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (PC)
World of Warcraft (PC)
Buka Entertainment
Charm of War (PC)
Echelon: Wind Warriors (PC)
MARCH!: Offworld Recon (PC)
Midnight Nowhere (PC)
Paradise Cracked (PC)
Red Shark (PC)
Spells of Gold (PC)
Auto Modellista (PS2)
Dino Stalker (PS2)
Gun Survivor 3: Dino Stalker (PS2)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 5 (PS2)
Megaman Battle Network 2 (GBA)
Onimusha 2 (PS2)
Red Dead Revolver (PS2)
Resident Evil 0 (GameCube)
Steel Battalion (Xbox)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (GBA)
Breed (PC)
Divine Divinity (PC)
Imperium Galactica III: Genesis (PC)
Neocron (PC)
Project Nomads (PC)
Sudden Strike 2 (PC)
Colin McRae Rally 3 (PC, PS2, Xbox)
Dragon Empires (PC)
IGI2: Covert Strike (PC)
Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing (PS2, Xbox)
Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (Xbox)
Operation Flashpoint: Resistance (PC)
Pro Race Driver (PC, PS2, Xbox)
Prisoner of War (PC, PS2, Xbox)
WWII: Frontline Command (PC)
H2Overdrive (PS2)
Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter (PC, Xbox)
The Lost (PS2)
UFC (Xbox)
Whirl Tour (GameCube, PS2)
Data Becker
America II ((PC)
Highland Warriors (PC)
Disney Interactive
Kingdom Harts (PS2)
Tron 2.0 (PC)
Treasure Planet (PC)
Ultimate Ride: Disney Edition (PC)
Agassi Tennis (GBA, PS2)
Auryn Quest (PC)
Curse: Eye of Isis (PC)
Curse of Atlantis: Thorgal's Quest (PC)
Dune (GBA)
Fuel (Xbox)
Gore (PC)
IronStorm (PC)
Haegamonia (PC)
Harbinger (PC)
Pharaoh's Curse (PC)
Pink Panther (GBA)
Popeye (GBA)
Riddle of the Sphinx II: The Omega Stone (PC)
Spirits & Spells (PS2)
Stealth Combat (PC)
Zidane (GBA)
Deus Ex 2 (PC)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (PC, PS2, Xbox)
Legend of Legaia (PS2)
Praetorians (PC)
Republic: The Revolution (PC)
Spring Break (PC)
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (PC, PS2)
TimeSplitters 2 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Electronic Arts
1503 A.D. (PC)
Battlefield 1942 (PC, Xbox)
BIONICLE: Matoran Adventures (GBA, GameCube, PC, PS2, Xbox)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Xbox)
Command & Conquer: Generals (PC)
Disney Golf (PS2)
Drome Racers (PC, PS2)
F1 2002 (GameCube, PC, PS2)
Freekstyle (GameCube, PS2)
GALIDOR: Defender of the OuterDimension (GBA, GameCube, PS2)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (GBA, GBC, GameCube, PC, PSX, PS2, Xbox)
James Bond 007: NightFire (GameCube, PC, PS2, Xbox)
Knockout Kings 2003 (GameCube)
Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter (PC, Xbox)
Madden NFL 2003 (GBA, GameCube, PC, PSX, PS2, Xbox)
Medal of Honor: Frontline (PS2)
NASCAR Thunder 2003 (GameCube, PC, PS2, Xbox)
NBA Live 2003 (GameCube, PC, PSX, PS2, Xbox)
NCAA Football 2003 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (GameCube, PC, PS2, Xbox)
NHL 2003 (GameCube, PC, PS2, Xbox)
SimCity 4 (PC)
Sims Online (PC)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (PS2)
The Simpsons Skateboarding (PS2)
The Sims (PS2)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 (GameCube, PC, PS2, Xbox)
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (GameCube, PS2)
Daredevil (next-gen consoles)
Dragon's Lair 3D (GameCube, PS2)
Evillusion Software Entertainment
Eon of Tears (PC)
Arx Fatalis (PC)
BeamBreakers (PC)
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (PC)
Chaser (PC)
Silent Storm (PC)
Anarchy Online: Shadowlands(PC)
Savage (PC)
Backyard Football (GBA, GameCube)
Backyard Hockey (Mac, PC)
Battle Engine Aquila (Xbox)
Big Air Freestyle (GameCube)
Blue's Preschool (Mac, PC)
Civilization III: Play the World (PC)
Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theatre (PC)
Deer Hunter 2003 (PC)
Dirt Track Racing 2 (PC)
Dora the Explorer: Backpack Adventure (Mac, PC)
Driver 2 Advance (GBA)
Dungeons and Dragons Heroes (Xbox)
Dungeons and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder (GBA)
Fugitive Hunter (PS2)
Furious Karting (Xbox)
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (GameCube)
LOONS (Xbox)
Master of Orion III (Mac, PC)
Men in Black 2: Alien Escape (PS2)
Micro Machines (PS2)
Monopoly Party (PS2)
NASCAR Heat 2 (PS2)
Neverwinter Nights (PC)
Nickelodeon Party Blast (GameCube)
Risk (Xbox)
RollerCoaster Tycoon II (PC)
RX (Xbox)
Splashdown (Xbox)
Stuntman (PS2)
Superman: Shadow of Apokolips (PS2)
Superman: The Man of Steel (Xbox)
Taz: Wanted (PS2)
Terminator: Dawn of Fate (PS2, Xbox)
Thomas & Friends: Building The New Line (Mac, PC)
TransWorld Snowboarding (Xbox)
Unreal Championship (Xbox)
Unreal II: The Awakening (PC)
Unreal Tournament 2003 (PC)
V-Rally 3 (PS2)
Wheel of Fortune (PS2)
Zapper (PS2)
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Xbox)
Galleon: Island of Mystery (GameCube, Xbox)
Hunter: The Reckoning (Xbox)
Icewind Dale 2 (PC)
Run Like Hell (PS2)
C.O.N.S.E.A.L. (PC)
Cultures 2 (PC)
Industry Giant II (PC)
Reality Deathmatch (PC)
Batman: Dark Tomorrow (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Boulder Dash EX (GBA)
Crazy Chase (GBA)
Egg Mania (GBA, GameCube, PS2)
Woody Woodpecker Crazy Castle 5 (GBA)
Crimson Sea (Xbox)
Dynasty Tactics (PS2)
Dynasty Warriors 3 (Xbox)
Mystic Heroes (GameCube, PS2)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII (PS2)
Full Throttle
Gladius (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (PC, PS2, Xbox)
RTX Red Rock (GameCube, PS2)
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (PS2)
Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Wars (PS2)
Star Wars Galaxies (PC)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC, Xbox)
Battlebots (GBA)
Black & Bruised (GameCube, PS2)
BloodRayne (GameCube, PC, PSX, PS2, Xbox)
Bomberman Generations (GameCube)
David Beckham Soccer (GBA, GBC, PSX, PS2, Xbox)
Earthworm Jim 2 (GBA)
Gun Metal (Xbox)
Mobile Forces (PC)
Totaled! (Xbox)
Ben Hur (PS2)
Post Mortem (PC)
Syberia (PC)
Tennis Masters Series (GBA, PC, Xbox)
War & Peace (PC)
White Fear (PC, PS2)
Age of Mythology (PC)
Asheron's Call 2 (PC)
Combat Flight Simulator 3 (PC)
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Xbox)
Freelancer (PC)
Impossible Creatures (PC)
Kung Fu Chaos (Xbox)
Links 2003 (PC)
MechAssault (Xbox)
MechWarrior 4: Clan Mech Pack (PC)
MechWarrior 4: Inner Sphere Mech Pak (PC)
Midtown Madness 3 (Xbox)
NFL Fever 2003 (Xbox)
Quantum Redshift (Xbox)
Rise of Nations (PC)
Shenmue II (Xbox)
Sneakers (Xbox)
Whacked! (Xbox)
Defender (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Dr. Muto (Gamecube, PS2)
Fireblade (PS2)
Freaky Flyers (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Gravity Games Bike: Street. Virt. Dirt. (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Legion: The Legend of Excalibur (PS2)
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (GBA, GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
NBA Ballers (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
NFL Blitz 20-03 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
NHL Hitz 20-03 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
MLB Slugfest 20-03 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
RedCard 20-03 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
SpyHunter (GBA)
Monte Cristo
Airline Tycoon Evolution (PC)
Atlantis City (PC)
Dino Island (PC)
Fire Department (PC)
Micro Commandos (PC)
Platoon : The 1st Airborne Cavalry Division in Vietnam (PC)
The Partners (PC)
Dead to Rights (PS2, Xbox)
Namco Museum (GameCube, Xbox)
Pac-Man Fever (GameCube, PS2)
Pac-Man World 2 (Xbox)
Soul Calibur II (arcade-only)
Tekken 4 (PS2)
Xenosaga (PS2)
Natsume Pocky & Rocky With Becky (GBA)
Medabots (GBA)
Wizardry Summoner (GBA)
City of Heroes (PC)
Lineage (PC)
Lineage 2 (PC)
1080: White Storm (GameCube)
Animal Crossing (GameCube)
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge (GBA)
Diddy Kong Pilot (GBA)
Eternal Darkness (GameCube)
Legend of Zelda (GameCube)
Mario Golf (GameCube)
Mario Party 4 (GameCube)
Mario Tennis (GameCube)
Metroid Prime (GameCube)
Pichu Bros. Party Panic (GameCube)
Pokémon Advance (GBA)
Sabre Wulf (GBA)
Star Fox Adventures (GameCube)
Super Mario Sunshine (GameCube)
Wario World (GameCube)
Nival Interactive
Blitzkrieg (PC)
Delta Force: Urban Warfare (PSX)
Duality (PC)
Shining Lore (PC)
Strident (PC)
Rockstar Games
Celebrity Deathmatch (PS2)
Midnight Club 2 (PS2)
Smuggler's Run: Warzones (GameCube)
Running With Scissors
Postal 2 (PC)
American Conquest (PC)
FireStarter (PC)
HomePlanet (PC)
HoveRace (PC)
Kreed (PC)
Lethal Dreams (PC)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Oblivion Lost (PC)
Guilty Gear X AE (GBA)
Lethal Skies (PS2)
The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood (GBA)
Screamin Monkey Entertainment
K-911 Contact (PC)
Project X (PC)
Beach Spikers (GameCube)
Crazy Taxi 3 High Roller (Xbox)
F355 Challenge (PS2)
Gungrave (PS2)
House of the Dead III (Xbox)
Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox)
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (GameCube)
SEGA Bass Fishing Duel (PS2)
SEGA GT 2002 (Xbox)
SEGA Sports NBA 2K3 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
SEGA Sports NCAA College Football 2K3 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
SEGA Sports NFL 2K3 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
SEGA Sports NHL 2K3 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
SEGA Sports Tennis (PS2)
SEGA Sports World Series Baseball (Xbox)
Shinobi (PS2)
Super Monkey Ball 2 (GameCube)
ToeJam & Earl III: All Funked Up (Xbox)
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (PC)
Malice (PS2, Xbox)
NASCAR Racing 2002 Season (PC)
SWAT: Urban Justice (PC)
The Hobbit (GameCube)
Tribes: Aerial Assault (PS2)
Simon & Schuster
BMX Trick Racer (GBA)
Darkened Skye (GameCube)
EVE Online: The Second Genesis (PC)
Farscape: War and Peacekeepers (PC)
Outlaw Golf (GameCube, Xbox)
Outlaw Volleyball (Xbox)
Real War: Rogue States (PC)
Seablade (Xbox)
Soldiers of Anarchy (PC)
The Last Ninja (PS2, Xbox)
Warbirds III (PC)
ATV Offroad Fury 2 (PS2)
EverQuest: Planes of Power (PC)
EverQuest II (PC)
EverQuest Online Adventures (PS2)
Lilo and Stitch (PS2)
Mark of Kri (PS2)
MLB 2003 (PS2)
NFL GameDay 2003 (PS2)
PlanetSide (PC)
Ratchet and Clank (PS2)
Sly Cooper (PS2)
SOCOM: US Navy Seals (PS2)
Star Wars Galaxies (PC)
Twisted Metal: Black Online (PS2)
Final Fantasy XI (PS2)
Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
Strategy First
Celtic Kings: Rage of War (PC)
GI Combat (PC)
Nexagon: The Pit (PC)
O.R.B. (PC)
Prince of Qin (PC)
Rolling Thunder [working title] (PC)
Steel Beasts II (PC)
World War II Online (PC)
Take-Two Interactive
Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne (PC)
Grand Theft Auto III (PC)
Stronghold: Crusader (PC)
Techland Software
Chrome (PC)
Day of the Mutants (PC)
Pet Soccer (PC)
Xpand Rally (PC)
TDK Mediactive
Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis (GameCube, Xbox)
Dinotopia: The Timestone Pirates (GBA)
Masters of the Universe: He-Man: Power of Grayskull (GBA)
Mercedes-Benz WorldRacing (Xbox)
Pryzm: Chapter One: The Dark Unicorn (PS2)
Robotech Battlecry (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Robotech: The Macross Saga (GBA)
Shrek: Extra Large
Shrek: Hassle the Castle (GBA)
Shrek: Super Party (Xbox)
Shrek: Treasure Hunt (PSX)
Alter Echo (PS2)
BattleBots (PS2)
Britney's Dance Beat (PC)
Crazy Taxi (GBA)
Hot Wheels (PS2)
MotoGP (PC, Xbox)
MX Superfly (GameCube, PS2)
Phantasy Star Collection (GBA)
Pinball of the Dead (GBA)
Pride FC (PS2)
Red Faction 2 (PS2)
Rocket Power (PS2)
Rugrats (PC, PS2)
Sega Smash Pack (GBA)
Spongebob Squarepants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchmen (PC, PS2)
Star Wars Episode II (GBA)
Summoner 2 (PS2)
Super Monkey Ball (GBA)
Tak and the Power of Juju (PS2)
Toxic Grind (GameCube, Xbox)
Virtua Tennis (GBA)
WWF SmackDown 4 (PS2)
WWF WrestleMania X8 (GameCube)
Barbarian (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Downforce (GBA, PS2)
Falcone: Into the Maelstrom (PS2, Xbox)
Kao the Kangaroo 2 (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Lotus Challenge (Xbox)
Safari Joe: The Dark Continent (GameCube, Xbox)
Sgt. Cruise (PS2, Xbox)
Tankers (GameCube, PS2)
Top Gun Combat Zones (GameCube)
Top Gun Firestorm Advance (GBA)
UFO: Aftermath (PC)
Ubi Soft
Chessmaster (GBA)
Colin McRae 2.0 (GBA)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (PS2)
Deathrow (Xbox)
Dragon's Lair 3D (Mac, PC, Xbox)
Evolution Worlds (GameCube)
Harpoon IV (PC)
Lock On: Modern Air Combat (PC)
MotoRacer (GBA)
Myst III: Exile (PS2, Xbox)
Rayman Arena (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Rayman 3 Advance (GBA)
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc (GameCube, PS2, Xbox)
Sabrina The Teenage Witch: Potion Commotion (GBA)
Shadowbane (Mac, PC)
Sum of All Fears (GBA, PC)
The Mummy (GBA)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (PS2, Xbox)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Raven Shield (PC)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (PC, PS2, Xbox)
Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria (PC)
XIII (PC, Xbox)
Universal Interactive
Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon (Xbox)
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (GameCube)
Jurassic Park: Project Genesis (PC, PS2)
Monster Force (GBA)
Spyro 2: Season of Flame (GBA)
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (PS2)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (GBA, Xbox)
The Scorpion King: Rise of An Akkadian (GameCube, PS2)
The Thing (PC, PS2, Xbox)
Vivendi Universal
AvP2: Primal Hunt (PC)
Die Hard: Vendetta (GameCube)
Enclave (Xbox)
Ghostmaster (PC)
No One Lives Forever 2 (PC)
Starsky & Hutch (PS2)
Westka Interactive
Y-Project (PC)
Command & Conquer: Generals (PC)
Earth and Beyond (PC)