Por el pequeño extracto que he leído sobre el MadWorld me parece una review más que legítima, el problema es que claro algunas de las cosas que comentan son inherentes al propio género. Quizás un 7 hubiera sido la puntuación más justa de todas formas en lo personal este juego no me atrae lo más mínimo como la inmensa mayoría de juegos
ultra-hypeados de esta generación.
MadWorld "Initially, this is a lot of gory fun. Then after your 20th skewer-type-environmental kill combo, it palls a little. By the 40th you're just bored."... "What really pulls MadWorld up by its bootstraps, however, are its climactic moments. The bosses are alternately huge and imaginative, the fights are staged spectacularly" they liked the production values, music, commentary, hated the AI, limited amount of kills and waggle prompts.
Grata sorpresa la del Little King's Story, lástima que con toda probabilidad vaya a pasar del todo desapercibido.
Little King Story "You couldn't call Little King Story deep, but its replacement of a linear narrative with a single objective that's accompanied by many discrete narratives besides is an achievement many games would do well to learn from."... "Little King's Story is as rich as it is long, and it's a very lengthy game indeed."... It's a game of rare quality, and exactly what the Wii deserves." note: a lot of the review explains what the gameplay is like, assuring that it is fun, but seemed pointless to paraphrase that here, look at some videos if you're not sure.
Por lo demás nada destacable salvo el 9 a Plants Vs Zombies que comparto el comentario de triki1 y el raquítico 3 al Sonic and the Black Knight, una saga que hace muchísimo que ha perdido el más mínimo sentido del decoro salvo en algunas entregas portátiles y parte del problema es debido al conformismo de los usuarios.