Reviews / RumoresGame of the month: Gears of War 2 / Little Big Planet.
Wii Music: A-, B-, C
Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars: C
Mirror's Edge: A-, B+, B
Far Cry 2: B+, B, B-
Need for Speed Undercover: B
Endwar: C, C-, C+
Fallout 3: A, B+, A+
Dead Space: B+, B-, B+
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: C+
Little Big Planet: A+, A, A
Saints Row 2: B, B-, B+
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009: A-
Motorstorm Pacific Rift: A-, A, B+
Gears of War 2: A, A+, A
Fable 2: A, A-, A-
Valykria Chronicles: A-
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm: B-
Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts: A-, B-, C
Chrono Trigger: A
Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff: C, C+, B+
Korg DS-10: A-
Ninjatown: B+
- Little Big Planet getting Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy content packs. Official Disney LBP content to be revealed in 2009 (Steamboat Willie could be the first Disney content)
- LBP PSP version in 2009. "...fantastically ambitious and will further flesh out the PS3 LBP experience."
- MediaMolecule's next project may be an online RPG game.
- CliffB's next game is a survival horror game, over the top gore and psychological. Maybe multiplatorm.
- Silicon Knight's unannounced long-in-development Sega title is looking for a new publisher.
- BottleRocket making a Flash game (DC superhero)
- Brash Entertainment is gone thanks to shit like Alvin And the Chipmunks, Jumper and Space Chimps.
- Capcom bringing Forgotten Worlds to XBLA/PSN
- Square Enix quietly cancelling FF:CC Crystal Bearers for Wii. Look for FF:CC Echoes of Time for DS and Wii. ... ostcount=1