El 54% de Xbox 360 fallan

Según una encuesta realizada por GameIrformer a 5000 lectores. También se encuentran los datos de las demás plataformas de sobremesa.

El artículo en IGN:
Report: Xbox 360 Failure Rate Reaches 54%
New survey says Microsoft's Red Ring of Death contines to rise.
by Jim Reilly

August 17, 2009 - If your Xbox 360 hasn't broken down yet or suffered from the dreaded red ring of death, then consider yourself pretty lucky.

A new survey published in Game Informer's print edition indicates the Xbox 360 failure rate has climbed to a shocking 54.2%. The magazine surveyed nearly 5000 readers, asking them about their experience dealing with broken consoles.

Here are their findings:

Console failure rate

Xbox 360 – 54.2%
Playstation 3 – 10.6%
Wii – 6.8%

Percentage of console owners who suffered a second hardware failure after the original repair.

Xbox 360 – 41.2%
Playstation 3 – 14.7%
Wii – 11%

Percentage of people who rate their customer service experience "very helpful"

Nintendo – 56.1%
Sony – 51.1%
Microsoft – 37.7%

Percentage of respondents whose friends have had console hardware failures.

Xbox 360 – 69.9%
Playstation 3 – 12.4%
Wii – 6%

The magazine also makes a few notes about their results:

The reason the Wii has the lowest hardware failure rate could be because console is played the least of the three. 41.4% of Wii owners surveyed said they play the console less than one hour a day, meanwhile the majority of Xbox 360 (40.3%) and Playstation 3 (37%) owners say they play their console on an average of three to five hours day.

Also, only 3.8% of respondents said they'd never buy another Xbox system because of the failure rates.

uops, colada por mi parte. Reportado para el cierre.
Qué pena que se cierre el hilo... ¿No podríamos ignorar el mensaje de Perea un día o dos a ver qué pasa? [+risas]
FanDeNintendo escribió:Qué pena que se cierre el hilo... ¿No podríamos ignorar el mensaje de Perea un día o dos a ver qué pasa? [+risas]
Podemos trasladar todos nuestros buenos sentimientos y buenas vibraciones al otro, por éso no te preocupes XD
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