El cyclo ds sigue tirando fuerte

Brief description of new features:

Fixed Wii connectivity (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Pokemon Battle Revolution)

Previously, attempting to connect to the Wii “Pokemon Battle Revolution” game with Pokemon Diamond/Pearl resulted in a white screen. This problem has now been resolved, and the NDS->Wii connection functions as it should.

Moonshell soft reset is now supported

It’s now possible to reset back to the CycloDS Evolution main menu from Moonshell. Simply launch “RESET.MSE” from the system menu. NOTE: You MUST download the new “Moonshell for CycloDS Evolution” release before this will work! In addition to this, that annoying redundant warning screen which is shown while Moonshell is starting up has been removed.

Several game compatibility fixes

Fixed several game compatibility issues. At the time of writing there are no known game compatibility problems with CycloDS Evolution.

Multiple skins are supported, selectable in the settings menu

It’s now possible to have multiple skins on your MicroSD card at one time, and they can be cycled through the settings menu. For this to work, each skin must have its own subdirectory inside “\CycloDS\skins”, so for example “\CycloDS\skins\Mario” etc

RAM pack for Opera (clean rom) supported via CycloDS Mini/Micro and EZ3in1

The Opera clean ROM is now supported if you have either a CycloDS Mini/Micro or EZ3in1 inserted in slot 2. In either of these cases, the clean ROM is patched automatically so no patches are required. You can still use Opera if you have a different slot 2 device, but you must apply the patches manually.

Rumble for EZ3in1 supported

If you have a EZ3in1 inserted in slot 2, rumble will automatically be enabled for games which support it. You don’t need to manually toggle any settings etc, everything is automatic.

Ingame menu changes

* SlowMotion is now adjustable between 3 different speeds
* The text is now displayed in the same language you’re using in the GUI (not forced to English)
* It’s now possible to temporarily suspend the cheat code engine in-game via the ingame menu
* Stability is substantially improved

Added new file view mode - "list view"

In addition to “File view” and “ROM view”, “List view” is now available. This mode displays 10 items on-screen at once rather than 4.

Translation improvements

ALL text has now been translated – in the GUI, in-game menu and the updater application.
Several entirely new languages are supported: Dutch, Greek, Indonesian, Malaysian, Russian, Tagalog


En resumen, arregla la conectividad del pokemon con wii, añade soporte transparente para la expansion 3en1 de ezflash(me parece llamativo que se haga oficialmente) y soporte para navegador sin parchear con sus clones de supercard, reset en el moonshell(increible xD), cheats en tiempo real y soporte amplio para diferentes idiomas
Bueno la cosa mejora, a ver para cuantas cosas más da los MB de firmware :D

Sigo esperando a que hagan algo que permita carpetas no visibles en el menu juegos, al menos que esté la opción porque el HB ".nds" también aparecería pero las carpetas no me gusta que se vean :(

Por cierto que, para los maqueros, alguien puede decirme porque los zip de los firmware del Evo no se me abren, tengo que hacerlo con WXP en Boot camp, menudo rollo :(
eGladiator escribió:Bueno la cosa mejora, a ver para cuantas cosas más da los MB de firmware :D

Sigo esperando a que hagan algo que permita carpetas no visibles en el menu juegos, al menos que esté la opción porque el HB ".nds" también aparecería pero las carpetas no me gusta que se vean :(

Por cierto que, para los maqueros, alguien puede decirme porque los zip de los firmware del Evo no se me abren, tengo que hacerlo con WXP en Boot camp, menudo rollo :(

No soporta las carpetas ocultas si lo formateas en fat32?
Pero tenerlo que hacerlo manualmente no me hace gracia además que con el OSX ni idea de como hacerlo llevo poco con el mac y no me lo trajino demasiado [tomaaa]
3 respuestas