El gobierno japones no deja que retorne el PSN

Why Japan Is Blocking the Return of the PSN

Brian Ashcraft — The PSN's service is being restored in North America, Europe, Australia and Latin America. In Japan, it's not.

Governmental bureaucrats at the Ministry of Economy's Media and Content Industry department won't allow Sony to resume its PSN service until the electronics giant gives more information on new security measures.

"We met with Sony on May 6 and 13, and basically we want two things from them," Kazushige Nobutani, director of the Media and Content Industry department at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, told Dow Jones Newswires.

"The first is preventative measures," said Nobutani. "As of May 13, Sony was incomplete in exercising measures that they said they will do on the May 1 press conference." The second is how Sony will win back user confidence.

According to Nobutani, "There were similar cases in the past that were caused by other firms, and we are asking Sony whether their measures are good enough when compared to countermeasures taken in the past."

Sony continues to work with the Ministry of Economy to get the PSN back online in Japan.

Link Chevron Japan Restart of Sony Online Games Services Not Yet Approved [FoxBusiness.com]

Traducción google rápida.

Pues nada, a ver si dan datos convincentes al ministerio de economía para que les acepte como medio seguro y puedan volver a activarlo. Si no va ha ser una gran cagada para ellos.
Así se hace. Hasta que no les muestren sus nuevas medidas de seguridad, no volverán al ruedo. Me parece muy bien.
Sí, sí, gente muy muy lista pero seguro que si aquí en España nos hacen lo mismo nos estámos cagando en todo lo cagable por no tener PSN...
ModaFacka escribió:Sí, sí, gente muy muy lista pero seguro que si aquí en España nos hacen lo mismo nos estámos cagando en todo lo cagable por no tener PSN...

Pues si.
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