¿el IXTREME 1.0 emula splitvid?

Pues eso,busco una confirmación,no las tengo todas conmigo:

¿el extra verification del ixtreme 1.1 y 1.2 se refieren al splitvid?...significaría eso que el ixtreme 1.0 no emula el splitvid?

o por el contrario TODOS los IXTREME firmwares emulan SPLITVID?

(v1.4) Disc jitter fix
(v1.3) Fixed PTP DVD Movies
(v1.3) More Secure for Xbox Live
(V1.3) Multiple Speed Versions
(v1.2 Rev2) Failed Stealth backups report normal disc information
(v1.2) Extra verification performed on Stealth backups
(v1.1) Extra verification performed on Stealth backups
(v1.0) Defeats all current Xbox Live detection attempts
(v1.0) Boots ONLY Stealth Xtreme Xbox 360 backups
(v1.0) Boots ONLY Stealth Xtreme Xbox 1 backups
(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 360 originals
(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 1 originals on Xbox 360

synergy escribió:Pues eso,busco una confirmación,no las tengo todas conmigo:

¿el extra verification del ixtreme 1.1 y 1.2 se refieren al splitvid?...significaría eso que el ixtreme 1.0 no emula el splitvid?

o por el contrario TODOS los IXTREME firmwares emulan SPLITVID?

(v1.4) Disc jitter fix
(v1.2 Rev2) Failed Stealth backups report normal disc information


aquí tienes la respuesta, parece ser que sólo a partir de la revisión dos del 1.2

es decir el 1.2 c si no me equivoco.
pinaculo escribió:
aquí tienes la respuesta, parece ser que sólo a partir de la revisión dos del 1.2

es decir el 1.2 c si no me equivoco.

mmmm.....el reporte de que el disco no sea stealth,y que no genere un log para que sas descubierto por ahi,poco tiene que ver con que el firmware emule splitvid...atendiendo a declaraciones de Redline99 :

Rossyafk escribió:El tema del Splitvid es una megalocura que esta creando
una confusión brutal (yo soy un confundido más), por ello, he ido
directamente a una de las fuentes principales, las palabras de
Redline99 (creador del Xbox Backup Creator).

Voy a copiar/pegar los comentarios suyos que creo que son más representativos con el fin de sacar conclusiones finales.

Todo ha sido copiado de sus mensajes de xboxhacker, no me lo estoy inventando.

Cita del 22/05/2007

Cita 24/05/2007

Because it was wasn't completely finished as a release feature.

Not sure, it works for me fine. I tested it tonight.
Read Burnout Revenge (Original ISO Format) = 7.05 GB (7,572,881,408 bytes)
Read Burnout Revenge (SplitVid ISO Format) = 7.29 GB (7,834,892,288 bytes)**
Converted Burnout Revenge (Original ISO Format to SplitVid) = 7.29 GB (7,834,892,288 bytes)

So it looks to be working for me, put the Log Level on Debug, do a complete backup using SPlitVid and PM me the log.
**The SplitVid format ISO size can differ slightly depending on the Video partition size

Cita del 28/05/2007

cita de Redline99:

"might conflict....." means that until the final version of the firmware come out, I can't say how it will behave.

The older Xtreme firmware I think were like the Geremia, then Xtreme v3
came out and corrected the pfi issues. But, as of Xtreme52 and 53, I
know that it did not read video layer1 correctly. What I did to prove
that was patched the inquiry handler to get rid of the 0xC0 vender bits
check. That allowed me to boot into Windows without using the
enable0800 dvd. So then I should have been in a state that was pretty
close to how the Xbox would see the dvd when still locked. Then using
IsoBuster to view the sectors, I could see for myself that the bytes
returned 00 for all of video layer1. Using the SplitVid format the
bytes read as they were supposed to.

Which leads to why is the SplitVid not recommended now... Well the new
iXtreme may address this in some fashion but, the way that I
implemented the SplitVid probably wont work well with the fix. The main
reason for that is my current version of SplitVid removes the out of
place Video Layer1 data and relocates it to the "proper" position at
the end of the game data. What I should have done to maintain the best
compatibility is to leave the errored video layer1 data and placed a
copy of it in the proper position. This would double up on that data
but provide the best compatibility for both the new iXtreme and the
soon to be old Xtreme firmwares.

Cita del 21/08/2007

cita de Redline99:

And if I remember right, C4E mentioned that his firmware took care of
this; thus there was no need for the backups to change. So why this

Yeah, right. C4e locks the ranges down. So an xtreme 3 and SplitVid
disc should appear as the same to the box. This change is mainly
implemented to give the opportunity for SplitVid if someday this is
needed. This could be also helpful for other hackers, not only users,
to do some tests on the original XBOX disc layout. There is definitely
no need to get in panic about the new format. The xtreme 3 style images
have the same stealthness! So there is no need to reburn all discs.

The ISO format is not "stealthy" on pre iXtreme firmwares. This new
SplitVid format with be stealthy on both pre iXtreme (5.3 and lower)
and iXtreme firmwares. So this format has the best compatibility as it
works for both. If you don't use the iXtreme, Hitachi included, then
there is a level of risk. But also I don't know of MS actually looking
at the video partition right now anyways. As with anything the choice
is yours, we just help provide the options.

Nice work Schtrom, I'll have to check out the new release when I get back... Wink

right. C4e locks the ranges down. So an xtreme 3 and SplitVid disc
should appear as the same to the box. This change is mainly implemented
to give the opportunity for SplitVid if someday this is needed. This
could be also helpful for other hackers, not only users, to do some
tests on the original XBOX disc layout. There is definitely no need to
get in panic about the new format. The xtreme 3 style images have the
same stealthness! So there is no need to reburn all discs.

ISO format is not "stealthy" on pre iXtreme firmwares. This new
SplitVid format with be stealthy on both pre iXtreme (5.3 and lower)
and iXtreme firmwares. So this format has the best compatibility as it
works for both. If you don't use the iXtreme, Hitachi included, then
there is a level of risk. But also I don't know of MS actually looking
at the video partition right now anyways. As with anything the choice
is yours, we just help provide the options.

Nice work Schtrom, I'll have to check out the new release when I get back... Wink

Cita del 20/09/2007

cita de Redline99:

Before IXtreme came out the firmware didn't really treat the video data
correctly. It was cutting half of it out when read by the xbox... The
data was there just not in the correct position, that was happening
since the very first xtreme firmware and the batch files to build the
iso's. When IXtreme came out c4eva fixed the firmware to support the
incorrect iso's. So that means anything before IXtreme doesn't read the
video data correctly. What splitvid does is copy the video data that it
wasn't reading to a position where it will read it correctly.

So now the current splitvid has the data in the correct position for both the old firmware and the new firmwares.

But... it is not a big deal right now because as far as I know the xbox
doesn't error out on half of the video data missing. And if you use
IXtreme then its been fixed in the firmware anyways. Either way
splitvid doesnt hurt anything it adds more compatibility. smile_XDVDMulleter may not treat the original iso layout as an issue, because its only a possible issue on old firmwares.

Its just an extra precaution that if you use a non IXtreme firmware to
play games then you should use splitvid, but you don't have to for any
real reason and thats why its an option.

You can upgrade to 2.6 and just turn off the splitvid in the options.

por lo que entiendo que todos los firmware iXTREME poseen esta característica;de todos modos cualquier CONFIRMACIÓN será bien recibida.

muchas gracias

información obtenida de xbox-scene
pd:enlace eol(con traducción) http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_SplitVid-explicado-por-Redline99_897289?pagenumber=1
ese artículo me lo leí en su dia, aunque hoy lo he vuelto a releer.

el reporte de buen stealth a discos que no lo són (recuerdo que los discos pueden ser "casi" stealth si no tienen el splitivid, y stealth cuando lo tienen) se hace a partir de la revisión 2. (ixtreme 1.2c)

si el firm no emula el splitvid cómo sabe el reporte que lo tiene? por eso te digo que será a partir de revisión 2 del 1.2 cuando lo "emula" o lo reporta como existente.

por eso yo no puse los primeros firms, y me esperé a que el tema del splitvid se aclarase.
pinaculo escribió:
el reporte de buen stealth a discos que no lo són (recuerdo que los discos pueden ser "casi" stealth si no tienen el splitivid, y stealth cuando lo tienen) se hace a partir de la revisión 2. (ixtreme 1.2c)

si el firm no emula el splitvid cómo sabe el reporte que lo tiene? por eso te digo que será a partir de revisión 2 del 1.2 cuando lo "emula" o lo reporta como existente.

por eso yo no puse los primeros firms, y me esperé a que el tema del splitvid se aclarase.

el reporte por tratarse de un disco no stealth,es eso,el reporte de un log por tratarse de un disco que no es stealth.(por esa regla de tres el firmware 1.0 si emularía splitvid puesto que :
[font=verdana, arial][size=90]
(v1.0) Boots ONLY Stealth Xtreme Xbox 360 backups

lo verdaderamente interesante,sería saber si:

[font=verdana, arial][size=90] (v1.0) Defeats all current Xbox Live detection attempts[/size][/font]

[font=verdana, arial][size=90]se corresponde con la capacidad del firm con emular el splitvid(atendiendo al texto se deduce que sí)

la capacidad de emular el splitvid,hasta donde yo sé,y lo que se extrae de las citas del creador de xbox backup creator antes expuestas,es que cualquier Firm iXtreme emula el splitvid;y esto es independiente al log que generaría el firm por tratarse de un disco que no es stealth.

A ver si alguien arroja un poco de luz al tema y nos lo puede confirmar...

gracias pinaculo.

EDIT: me autorespondo por si alguien lo necesita

entrevista a C4E de cuando estaba desarrollando el ixtreme

here's a paste of the latest update and qa session for the iXtreme firmware:


Originally Posted by Mon May 28 - 9:45AM CST [09:45] is it known if one can used an xtreme-firmware as orig.bin?
[09:46] i mean xtreme only needs orig.bin to get the
key so I don't see why an xtreme-fw shouldn't work as orig.bin
[09:46] zak:correct

[09:47] how's testing coming alone?
[09:48] Testing so far is very good

[09:48] c4eva, manage to get on to live without problems?
[09:49] Live is good, but more time is required

[09:52] c4eva, when will the firmware be stable to use?
[09:53] firmware is rock solid, just collecting data from testers

[09:53] so you won't wait until everyone has been playing without problems for weeks?
[09:54] zak:will leave it up to the testers

[09:54] is the hlg fw going to have all the security
features as the sammy fw (incl. all stealth and pfi/dmi checks)?
[09:55] onee:yes

[09:58] c4eva, Sorry to ask, but I'm really curious...
How are things going with Hitachi? Do you think it can be betatested
this week?
[09:59] Multi:yes

[09:58] c4eva: will the new firmware be able to verify if the video partition is good?
[10:01] onestep:no, support for capacity, and psn lockdown, from stealth PFI

[10:01] splitvid will it work on ixtreme?
[10:03] Splitvid in the new version of xbc can be used, but is not essential

[10:01] c4eva, discuss with redline his splitvid, is that something that will be needed in the future
[10:08] maloney:not current splitvid, new version splitvid in next xbc

[10:07] C4E: the new f/w fakes video partition on
backups that don't have it? is it now recommended using SplitVid
images, or does it not matter?
[10:08] maloney:not current splitvid, new version splitvid in next xbc

[10:16] C4E any advice after flashing with ixtreme?
[10:17] trunks:Enjoy Live
4 respuestas