Esto es lo q me contestaron cuando instale yo el mio y me daba problemas con la v5....
Messiah Faq
Having not come here very often, I decided to have a good wander today, and was looking in the other forums as well. Noticing the NEO problems FAQ on the NEO forum, I decided that I should post one for Messiah... so here it is:
Messiah problems:
1) Doesnt work
Answer: you fitted it wrong !

Ahora en serio, debe estar el problema en la instalacion. Sigue los truquillos q me pasaron para una buena instalacion y todo sin problemas.
Te los mande al mail, pero los pongo aqui para q todo el mundo los pille
For those who want to install themselves...
This is what i found in my searches on how to install and what i will need
(hope this is helpful):
The worlds first true non-swap modchip design is now in your hands, but this
technological innovation requires some thought and care if it is to make
your PS2 console perform as desired.
Firstly, this modchip requires the utmost of care and precision soldering
when installing, many of the solder points require delicate soldering
ability, and this will also require the correct tools.
Here is a quick guide as to what should be used:
A very fine tipped solder iron, anything larger than a 1mm pointed tip is
NOT recommended.
Good quality flux cored solder, preferably with additional flux available to
help the solder 'stick'.
You should ensure that you have de-solder wick available in case an error in
soldering is encountered, such as bridged pins etc.
If you have limited eyesight performance, ensure you have a magnifying
device available so that you can view the quality of your solder work to
ensure no errors are made.
It is recommended that the job be done by a skilled solderer with the
correct tools, it is much better to have a working modified console than one
fit for the scrap bin.
It is extremely important that you configure the modchip to work in your
console BEFORE you install. This configuration is the soldering of jumpers
on the modchip itself, and set the modchip to work on either V3, V4 or V5
versions of console. The install pictures give the correct configuration for
your modchip.
The recommended wire to use is enamelled 38 swg, this is very thin hair-like
wire that is tinned easily at the ends by holding the end of wire in a blob
of solder at your solder-iron tip. Alternatively, plastic insulated 'kynar'
wire of 30swg can also be used. DO NOT use thick diameter wire, and
especially not multicore (except for 3.3 volt / GND) as you will need to
make very close wiring connections, and thick wire will make this
With your 3.3 volt, and GND connections, it IS recommended to use larger
diameter plastic insulated wire, 1mm multi-strand is recommended.
Directly above where you mount the modchip (use the pictures to view the
necessary mounting position), place an insulating label so that the modchip
cannot make any direct connection with the metallic casing of the console.
Remember to affix the modchip into place with a very thin double-sided tape
or sticky pad.
On this zip file are: a user instructions file, and also installation
pictures, you must use the pictures that correspond to the version of
console you are upgrading. These pictures may seem a little confusing at
first, but all that is required is for you to match a picture with your
console, and then attach the wires from the modchip pads as laid out in the
first picture, to the points shown. Every time you make a connection, double
check it for correctness, and also soldering problems. You should note that
you need to make 23 connections, this DOES NOT change, and is required with
every console version.
You will notice that there may be two or three versions of installation for
some parts of the console you have, this is because there are different
versions of console, and we have given you the different types so that you
may see exactly how you need to fit your modchip. For example:
The V3 version of console has three different bios versions, one on top of
the mainboard, and two different versions that will be found underneath the
mainboard (gap and non-gap). If you look at your mainboard and find a bios
on top of it, you should solder your wires to this, if your bios is
underneath the mainboard 9and not one on top), then choose either the gap or
non-gap type of installation. (It is important with V3 consoles to check as
to whether there is a bios on top of the board, because if there is, then
you MUST solder to this bios, and not the one mounted underneath (this is a
separate DVD bios).
Double check and triple check your work once completed before you go to
power-on, if a connection looks suspicious, or solder work looks like it may
give some problem, DO NOT take the risk of powering up your machine, short
circuits can cause irreversible damage. One highly recommended procedure,
used by the developers is to check with a multimeter that all the pads of
the controller connections on the modchip do not show a short-circuit, this
is done by using a multimeter, and checking each adjacent pad moving from
one end to the other. Because the controller connections all run in a line,
any short-circuits between these connections will be picked up by simply
testing for shorts actually on the modchip pads themselves.
Also, when re-assembling your console, especially the metallic casing, be
sure that no wires can be trapped by the screw points, tightening a screw
down on a wire is sure to cause a short circuit. It is recommended that you
'guide' the wires from the modchip away from screw holes to help ensure they
don't get pinched.
Your wires need to be cut to length with only minimal slack between the
solder pads of the modchip and the connection points, if you leave a lot of
slack wiring running from the modchip, which causes excessive length of the
wires, the modchip will fail to work correctly due to an electronic
phenomenon called 'reflective wave'.
Take care with your installation, be aware that high voltages are present
when the console is powered-on, and simply TAKE YOUR TIME however eager you
may be to see your console working. Your care will be rewarded .
If after installation, your machine fails to work, go back over what you
have done very carefully, it is doubtful the modchip is defective because as
each modchip is programmed, the programming is verified, and therefore the
information stored within your modchip (Actel device) will be guaranteed
If after all else fails, then return your modchip to your dealer for a
replacement. Please Note: If you mis-wire the modchip, then not only do you
risk damage to your console, but damage to the modchip also, therefore BE
CAREFUL and always be sure of what you are doing before applying power to
the console.
Saludos!! y feliz Instalacion del Messiah