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Duking It Out for a Houseful of Smiles
PICKING out a home video game system should be easy this holiday season because for most consumers the decision ought to come down to only three choices — including one that is easily dismissed.
STANDING OUT For serious gamers, there is much to like about the Xbox 360.
If you or your loved ones are even halfway-serious gamers who want to experience world-class high-definition graphics and an online gaming service populated with millions of other players, go buy the top version of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 ($399).
On the other hand, if you do not really care about the latest graphics and want instead a riotously fun experience that can be shared by the entire family, including the nongamers who usually flee from a joystick, try to get your hands on Nintendo’s new Wii ($249).
It is really that simple. Though aimed at different markets, the 360 and the Wii provide excellent entertainment for the dollar and are each capable of filling your home with smiles for years to come.
But what about Sony’s new PlayStation 3?
By now, you have probably heard about folks who camped out for days to buy the PS3. You have heard about some of those people getting mugged while shivering in line a few weeks ago. You have heard about the four-figure prices the console has been fetching on eBay. And you may have heard, quite correctly, that it will be all but impossible for many consumers to buy one at retail for the rest of the year.
No problem. In fact, if you are anything other than a complete Sony fanboy (that’s Internet lingo for an obsessed, myopic groupie) go ahead and forget about the PlayStation 3 this year. Even if you find one, the overhyped PS3 does not deliver an entertainment experience commensurate with its cost ($599 for the top version, not including special cables to connect to a high-definition TV), and falls short of its main competition in important ways.
The big picture is that Microsoft and Sony are duking it out for dominance at the top end of the video game business while Nintendo has essentially carved out the less hard-core, more budget-sensitive swath of the market for itself. The Wii (pronounced “we”) is a mass-market entertainment device. The 360 and PS3, by contrast, are each trying to be the world’s best top-end video game system and also high-powered living room media hubs.
The big problem for Sony is that the 360 performs those functions better right now, and for less money, than the PS3. Sony may get the PS3’s act together in the future, but right now there is basically no rational reason to buy a PlayStation 3 instead of an Xbox 360.
Here are some reasons:
GAME SELECTION: 360 by a lot. There are more than 100 games currently available for the 360. The PS3 is scheduled to have fewer than two dozen games available by the end of the year, and most are available on the 360 anyway. With the notable exception of Resistance: Fall of Man, the PS3-exclusive games have been nothing to write home about.
ONLINE SERVICE: A slam-dunk for Microsoft, which is not surprising considering the two companies’ histories. Microsoft’s Xbox Live offers easily downloadable games, TV shows and full movies, not to mention one of the world’s most fervent Internet gaming communities. The PlayStation Network is slow, clunky and makes it hard to keep track of your friends online.
OVERALL EASE OF USE: 360. Incredibly, perhaps, for a Microsoft product, the 360 is intuitive and relatively easy to navigate. Just as incredible, considering Sony’s past ergonomic mastery, the PS3 feels more like a specialized computer, so get ready to break out a separate U.S.B. keyboard.
GRAPHICS: An overall tie. The PS3 has more pure silicon horsepower under the hood than the 360, but some experts say it is actually more difficult to program the PS3 because of the system’s design. The bottom line is that the same games (like the Madden NFL series) look almost identical on the two systems, and the best-looking 360-only games, like the new Gears of War, look better than anything on the PS3 at the moment.
FILM PLAYBACK: A wash. The PlayStation 3 comes out of the box ready to play Blu-ray high-definition movie discs. The 360 can play HD-DVD high-definition discs only with an add-on ($199). The top version of the 360, however, includes a separate living room-style remote control for watching those movies, while watching films on the PS3 requires using a two-handed controller. (Sony says a separate PS3 movie remote will be available soon.)
There are all kinds of questions swirling around the industry about whether Sony will stage a comeback next year, but for now the 360 is the superior machine. Most telling, perhaps, Sony has lost many of its exclusive relationships with game publishers who were once willing to make their games work only on PlayStations. Two of next year’s most-anticipated games, Grand Theft Auto IV and Assassin’s Creed, are scheduled to come out on both systems.
But what if carjackings and Crusade-era stabbings are just not your style? What if you do not want to hear about all the bells and whistles, do not want to spend as much as you would on a low-end PC and just want to have fun (with your children, possibly). In that case, the Wii is for you.
Its main innovation is a TV-remote-style controller that can merely be tilted and waved to produce in-game action, rather than having to master combinations of buttons and triggers.
The Wii comes with a collection of minigames called Wii Sports — baseball, bowling, boxing, golf and tennis — that demonstrate the appeal of the new controller masterly. (The Microsoft and Sony systems generally do not come with any games.) In Wii tennis, for example, users merely swing their arms as if holding rackets to make their characters swing on the screen. It is a system so intuitive that game-phobic adults often find themselves playing and laughing in minutes.
With two excellent systems on the market, consumers should not go wrong this holiday. Happy gaming.
Pues dice a grandes razgos en dos palabras. "Sony Mala"maxicyber escribió:ya estamos con el ingles de los cojones....
no habra por aqui alguna alma caritativa verdad?????
Es así de simple. A pesar de estar dirigidas a diferentes mercados, la 360 y Wii ofrecen un entretenimiento excelente por cada dolar y son capaces de llenar tu casa con sonrisa por años venideros
De hecho, si no eres más que un fanboy de Sony, adelante y olvidate de la Ps3
El gran problema de Sony es que la 360 realiza esas funciones mejor ahora mismo, y por menos dinero, que la Ps3. Sony puede mejorarlo en el futuro, pero ahora mismo no hay una razon razonable para comprarse la Ps3 en vez de la Xbox 360 (nota de traductor: sí, para venderla en ebay)
Hay muchos tipos de pregunta rondando la industria sobre si Sony remontará el año que viene, pero ahora la 360 es la maquina superior
Con DOS excelentes máquinas en el mercado, los consumidores no deberian equivocarse estas vacaciones (nota de traductor: hace referencia a XTS y Wii, a la mierda Ps3)
Tommy Vercetti escribió:Pues dice a grandes razgos en dos palabras. "Sony Mala"![]()
que sí, que sí, que ya sabemos de que van tus noticias smile_[qmparto] smile_[qmparto] smile_[qmparto]
El NYT tiene la misma credibilidad en consolas que "El mundo", "El País" o "Tele5"
Un argumento ad hominem o argumentum ad hominem (en latín, ‘dirigido al hombre’), es una falacia lógica que implica responder a un argumento o a una afirmación refiriéndose a la persona que lo formula, en lugar de al argumento por sí mismo. Un argumento ad hominem (y por tanto, falaz) tiene esta estructura:
1. A afirma B;
2. Hay algo cuestionable acerca de A,
3. Por tanto, B es falso.
ÇhíN0 escribió:algun alma caritativa se atreve a traducir![]()
los albertos eres el tio más cansino, pesado y fanboy que he visto hasta ahora.
Me acuerdo que te tildaron hasta de nintendero y que debias morir (lo tenias de firma).GXY escribió:saludos cordiales.
Metal_Nazgul escribió:Joder pero si ha puesto un artículo del NY times... a qué viene saltarle al cuello? smile_:-|
roberts_2 escribió:...veo que nadie ha dicho que el NYT es un periódico de tirada masiva y millones de lectores y nadie ha hablado del impacto que esta noticia pueda suponer en compradores potenciales debido a eso....![]()
Ernestorrija escribió:Esque el malo aqui es albertos, que seguro que a pagado al periodico para que digan eso.
GXY escribió:yo creo que simplemente, microsoft ha untado un poquillo a la editorial del NYT, y por eso el NYT cada vez que habla dice estas cosas (con mas o menos razon)
roberts_2 escribió:...es lo que me ha parecido leer en las 3 páginas del hilo, que no importa la noticia, si no el informador...así va el país...![]()
.solo hay que ver el catalogo de XTS que solo tiene algo más de 10 juegos notables que valgan la pena por lo menos en cuanto diversión y calidad gráfica que demuestre la next-gen el resto son relleno.
triki1 escribió:
Yo creo que no, pero opiniones como el culo, todo el mundo tiene una.
PainKiller escribió:PD:Tampoco os altereis tanto, que no es que estén diciendo que la PS3 sea una mierda.
Licen escribió:Totalmente deacuerdo con el artículo y en desacuerdo con los fanboy sonyer owneds que se tiran al cuello de los albertos, saludos![]()
Temjin escribió:marvicdigital, no metes el Splinter Cell DA?![]()
filetefrito escribió:
Pues para mi gusto, ha sido excesivamente generoso.
Como juegos que obliguen a comprar una consola next gen, yo diria que en x360 hay 1 ( ninguno en ps3). Eso no quita, que el resto de titulos qeu acompañen a ese no sean notables o muchos suficientemente buenos como para pagar el desembolso que suponen.
valrond escribió:
Pues entonces no tienen que gustarte los videojuegos en absoluto... decir que solo hay un juego que valga en la 360... Bueno, no has dicho exactamente eso, has dicho que obliguen a comprar, pues mira, a nadie le obligan a comprar nada nuevo. Quizás fuerzan un poco cuando ya no salen títulos nuevos para tu consola, pero se podría seguir jugando perfectamente con la NES, nadie te obliga a comprar nada nuevo.
Temjin escribió:Por curiosidad, que esperas de esta "next-gen"?
Te lo digo porque me da que la has cargado de hype tu solo... bueno y un poquito Molineux, que aunque no haya dicho nada, para estas cosas siempre ha de estar presenteXD
Esque el malo aqui es albertos, que seguro que a pagado al periodico para que digan eso.
los albertos escribió:
es el poder de ser "los albertos". Mientras un alberto esta aqui publicando el articulo, otro al mismo tiempo arreglaba el precio final con la editorial del periodico, un tercer alberto estaba en el banco retirando el dinero para pagar al NYTimes, el cuarto alberto cobraba de Microsoft el salirio por el trabajo, mientras que un quinto alberto le ponia una tachuela a Kuta en el asiento![]()