cito de laxer3a:
Received the source from latest version.
Yoyo told me about a bug in the mode7 tuning I did.
So I need to take a look to it...
Yoyo need also to fix some stuff before release.
But at least give us some days... We will try to release before two weeks. If you are lucky may be beginning of next week.
Yoyo is wondering about which features need to be added to this release.
Personnaly I am for game genie feature...
Because quite a lot of people requested it.
Yoyo talked also about mp3 players feature as it is already available in the other emu.
Of course the main event is the sound moved to the Media Engine.
and mode7 tuning.
See you guys.
que le ha dado el codigo fuente de la ultima version, yoyo tiene que reparar algunas cosas antes de sacarlo, he intentaran sacar el emulador antes de dos semanas y si hay suerte LA SEMANA QUE VIENE.
piensan poner nuevas capacidades a este nuevo release.
y que lo mas interesante en que el sonido se ha movido al Media Engine (que me explicaron antes aqui que era como un segundo procesador).
que es mode7 tuning?