No es por meterme donde no me llaman pero esos datos estan sacados de una extrapolación hecha por Videogamestockgroup teniendo en cuenta sus ventas en el mes de febrero hasta el dia 19:
tlo9087 from the Videogamestockgroup over at Yahoo!, takes his sales numbers and extrapolates them to make a prediction on the monthly sales of systems and usually has excellent success in doing so. He did some based off of the data -Q- gave for 2/14 and it showed a big upward trend for the GCN. Today, -Q- gave the most recent numbers and tlo9087 updated his predictions based off of them. Check out this information listed below (the full post is here but it's quite long to read):
1st number is February total through today, 2/19. 2nd number is February total through 2/14. 3rd number is the difference (ie what sold in the 5 day period from 2/14 to 2/19). 4th number is January's total.
PS2: 10258/7441/2817/13353
XBox: 5405/3803/1602/6200
GC: 4694/2636/2058/2315
Y respecto a:
Estos datos son de febrero del 2002 como dice el texto en inglés, lo de diciembre es un error de traducción de un forero en el
post del foro de meristation.