El padrino en PSP

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The godfather(creo que es el padrino pero bueno por si acaso lo digo xD)

The Godfather Gets Made
New release details. EA is making an offer you can't ... oh, nevermind.
By David Adams

February 2, 2005 - Okay, yes, you knew it, and we certainly knew it. But today EA sent out the official announcement, and with it came some interesting new details. First, the game is scheduled to ship this fall, making EA's first foray into Mature-themed gaming (and a title based on a very hot license) available in time for the holidays.

The announcement also included official platform details: The Godfather is slated for PlayStation 2, Xbox, PC, and, most unexpectedly, Sony's PSP.

EA also confirmed what we told you yesterday: the likeness and vocal talents of original Godfather stars James Caan, Robert Duvall, and Marlon Brando himself will be featured in the game.

Developed by EA Redwood Shores (home of the Lord of the Rings and Tiger Woods games), The Godfather will have players creating their own mobster, who must handle jobs, hits, and careful diplomacy to rise in the family ranks. The game will feature open-ended, GTA-style play. EA hints at driving, shooting, and foot-based action, as well as player actions having long-term consequences in the game.

You can bet we'll be back with more details on The Godfather as soon as we score them. Stay tuned.
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