Arkansas Man Wakes Up To Find Dog Ate His Testicle
Un hombre paralitico de Trumann, Ark. se desperto esta manhana para encontrar que su perro se habia comido un testiculo.
Decir que “La victima fue mordida por su perro causando heridas considerables” como fue descrito por la policia, no hace justicia a la situacion.
El hombre de 39 anhos, que rechaza ser identificado, dijo a la policia que no siente nada de cintura para abajo, se levanto debido a “una sensacion de quemadura” cerca de su abdomen.
Arkansas Man Wakes Up To Find Dog Ate His Testicle
A paralyzed man from Trumann, Ark. woke up Monday morning to find his dog had eaten one of his testicles.
To say the “victim was bitten by his dog causing extensive injury,” as it was described on the police report, doesn’t quite do the situation justice.
The 39-year-old man, who refused to be identified, told police that though he cannot feel anything from the waist down, he woke up due to a “burning sensation” around his mid-section.
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