¿El proyecto URA ha desaparecido?

No sé si lo conocíais, era un proyecto para restaurar la expansión del Ocarina que nunca existió, URA Zelda.
Hace un par de semanas el autor me contestó respecto a unas preguntas del desarrollo y todo parecía bien y me ha chocado que de repente su página ya no existe:
Y su canal de youtube tampoco:

¿Alguien sabe qué ha pasado? No lo entiendo
Vale, se me ocurrió probar a entrar en the-gcn.com y en la portada lo explican todo... Cancelado:
Karaculo escribió:De que iba???

de extraer el material beta oculto en el juego e insertarlo a la rom reconstruyendo "una beta completa y jugable"...pero no la beta que se mostraba cuando se llamaba zelda 64 del video de hobby, sino la versión beta que se veía en al video promocional de hobby del game 40
Yo me acabo de enterar y me he quedado de piedra.

El proyecto había sufrido mucho reveses este último año que habían retrasado la publicación de un tercer trailer que mostrase los avances, pero de vez en cuando iban saliendo cosas y parecía que aunque fuese poco a poco, seguía adelante.
De repente de un día para otro se ha ido todo al traste. Zeth, el líder del proyecto, incluso a cerrado su canal de youtube donde se colgaban los videos.

Ura Zelda en principio iba tratar sobre el contenido que se rumoreaba para la expansión de Ocarina of Time para el 64DD, así como de todo lo que se vio en las distintas betas y vídeos de Zelda64 y algún extra inutilizado en la rom. Pero más tarde el concepto evolucionó y se asemejaba más a una secuela que a una expansión, con nuevo protagonista (el Héroe de la Luz) y una historia situada años después de Ocarina of Time.
También se decidió utilizar el engine de Majora's Mask hace unos meses.

Aún no tengo claro lo que ha pasado, estoy leyendo el foro "oficial":
Arcaith escribió:The biggest contributing factor to the decline of the project was simply that there was a conflict of creative direction. Initially, the project was going to be a restoration of what we believed the original URA expansion would have looked like. Development continued in this direction for some time, however it soon became apparent that we had little chance of really producing an authentic duplication simply because the amount of information from early development stages, and also from the URA development post-release, was too inconsistent to produce something solid. We therefore opted to change the direction of the project into a more original story.

This time period marks the biggest growth in development overall, as we were at the time just pouring in ideas and sorting through what we had to produce a solid storyline, largely in deference to Zeth. We began considering what could be done with the engine, what could be added and what could be improved upon that already existed. Development slowed a bit as the frenzy of initial ideas settled into something concrete, and we also had around this time the input from the community. Fast forward a bit further through a lot of technical issues, we had some really solid development happening, maps were being made and ideas still in development were being refined.

Shortly after this, thought was given to moving the project over to the Majora's Mask engine. Given the large amount of progress that had been made with the OOT debugger's ROM, most of the team members didn't consider this much of an option, since MM was infinitely less documented and much harder to control and rewrite. Creative output also slowed a little here too, and it was shortly after this that we had issues with our composers, and then brought Spire on board. Around this point is when creative control began to become an issue. Some of the team members who had been working on the OOT version at this point were not entirely happy with the shift to MM.

To compound this issue further, concerns arose regarding sections of the team making decisions independently from the other 'arms' of the team. Time zone and schedule differences compounded this further, and in particular, Spire (in my view) wished to contribute as much as possible to the project, and being a latecomer, felt the need to assert himself creatively. This did not sit well with Zeth in particular, as the project was his baby and he felt as if the project was being pulled out from beneath him.

Tension continued to develop, Spire returned provisionally and then...well. You know the rest.

ZethN64 escribió:I have to say, I came across the recent news about Ura's closure post by accident by hitting the home button on my browser. But since I was here, I did read it and all the comments, it made me shake my head at how quickly things could turn sour. Its really sad and justifies me leaving on good reasoning.

Anyways, Its true, I'm leaving the community for a while, URA is cancelled for now and its not because of my ego(or whatever everyone like to keep assuming and posting for whatever reason) its because I honestly can't handle the stress, its effecting my health badly. Its why I'm breaking from the community for a while and pushing onward in my own direction for the moment. During the time I said I was going to release the files of URA, its was during the time I planned on staying in the community and using them to make minimods and improvements to OOT if Ura could not be finished. But after seeing this huge disarray and everyone is blaming everyone, and the personal fight you've all heard about it, I decided it was best for me to leave to stop myself from having massive chest pains from the stress. Now while I am leaving, its going to be for a lot better reason, I've realized tonight, I've relied on people to make tools for me waaaaay too much because I didn't know how to program. I could hack and do some pretty awesome stuff, but programming was pretty much something I never got into. Because of this reason, I had to wait on the programmers to find time to make these tools that could help push the project forward, what am I to do if I don't have a program that can convert the maps I modeled properly? or make texture replacement not such a huge hassle/obstacle? In honesty, there was a lot of things that needed to be made and they just weren't getting done. After Ura's programmer left, it left us in a very bad situation and I didn't want to just downgrade the project ridiculously just to release new content, it wouldn't be the same project if I did. I'm not blaming any of the programmers because you know life sucks, it gets in the way. If anyone understands that, its me(Trust me, it happens a lot with me, even things I haven't told the community). So I'm not going to rely on people to make tools to help me accomplish tasks I need, while I'm gone I'm spending time learning ASM and how to program so I can make the tools I need to get shit done the right way so the project can get completed and not take two, three, four years down the road to complete. Ura has been my mod I have held with a passion and its not something I'm just done with. Programming and learning ASM is going to take time and its why I removed my channel on youtube, the website, etc. I don't want the distractions or the pressure.(we've all seen how negative people can get) There is one thing that stopped a lot of progress, the team seemed to be scared of MM because it would require documenting and looking into how it runs. (Its not OOT, but it is a far superior engine) I've had people tell me its impossible, even the team doubted it at first when it was brought up(which apparently never left them which I had no clue about), that's when I made the MM Castle town engine test video, to show it is possible.(if I am correct, it was also the first custom map imported into MM that I have seen). Since I've been with this community, people have always told me, its impossible to do this or that and it pushes me to prove them wrong. Like fixing the beta kokiri girl Fado, importing a map from Twilight princess, importing that room from mad monster mansion from banjo kazooie, importing models from MM and loading them up in OOT, restoring the beta blue fairy, importing animations from MM to OOT, etc. Since I've been with this community, I've pushed a lot of limits and done things a lot of people wasn't able to do at that time.(I guess this is where people mix this stuff up with my ego rather then its just history, the thing is this is the truth) And now I have a fire of determination I haven't had in a VERY LONG TIME. Ura will happen when the time is right, but right now I have a lot of ground to cover and its time I do it properly. I do thank everyone who has worked with me and some of the Ura team who I do keep in contact I am sure I will keep them up to date what's going on such as shadowfire and thank you to the people who have supported this project and the wonderful comments I did see in the end, I promise the negative didn't overshadow the good things you said. So, in the meantime in my absence, enjoy the other projects here and keep an eye out for when I do pop back in to share things.

Es posible que retomen el proyecto en el futuro, quien sabe.
Lo que me parece mal es que abandonen y no suelten la ROM para que alguien pueda continuar...
Cada programador es un mundo y si bien para mi los proyectos que hago si que son, como supongo que le pasara a la mayoria, algo muy personal, si estuviese en una situacion similar a la que se comenta aqui no creo que me costaria mucho ceder el trabajo para que quien quiera y pueda siga con el. Dejaria bien claro que en los creditos etc siempre estuviese mi nombre y/o nick y pista. Porque es una pena que algo tan dificil de ver como proyectos amateur para 64 se vaya a pique para siempre.
KFR escribió:Cada programador es un mundo y si bien para mi los proyectos que hago si que son, como supongo que le pasara a la mayoria, algo muy personal, si estuviese en una situacion similar a la que se comenta aqui no creo que me costaria mucho ceder el trabajo para que quien quiera y pueda siga con el. Dejaria bien claro que en los creditos etc siempre estuviese mi nombre y/o nick y pista. Porque es una pena que algo tan dificil de ver como proyectos amateur para 64 se vaya a pique para siempre.

Cuando alguien hace algo sin cobrar es normal que cuando le salen cosas más rentables, curiosas o directamente necesarias, es normal que lo dejen. Es triste pero es así, y respecto a lo que dices de dejar el trabajo, leí hace tiempo que no se hacia porque "luego al programador le tocaban los huevos con su forma de programar".
Si, esa parte ya la habia pensado, el que se quejara la gente de que si la sintaxis, terminos usados, ordenamiento, logicas etc.. no fueran las "tipicas" o fuesen "enrevesadas" o o o o... siempre hay quejas y puede haberlas pero como el proyecto no parece que fuese en plan codigo abierto y disponible para quien quisiera, pues el era libre de hacer churros o lo que quisiera "ahi dentro".
KFR escribió:Cada programador es un mundo y si bien para mi los proyectos que hago si que son, como supongo que le pasara a la mayoria, algo muy personal, si estuviese en una situacion similar a la que se comenta aqui no creo que me costaria mucho ceder el trabajo para que quien quiera y pueda siga con el. Dejaria bien claro que en los creditos etc siempre estuviese mi nombre y/o nick y pista. Porque es una pena que algo tan dificil de ver como proyectos amateur para 64 se vaya a pique para siempre.

opino igual...un gran ejemplo es la traducción de shenmue I ...la empezó ryo y la acabó el tio victor...pese a ello, y dado que se tragó el primer cd completo, obviamente ryo aparece en los créditos incluso el primero...

Un scener que no libere un proyecto inacabado para mí no es un scener...ya que la finalidad del mismo es que termine disfrutando de tu trabajo el público...si tú no lo acabas, deja al menos que alguien continue con tu legado
Por lo que comenta Zeth, él no es programador (tiene algunos conocimientos para hackear la rom y se dedicaba más al diseño de niveles) y necesitaba nuevas herramientas para el mod. Había un par de programadores en el proyecto que le ayudaban, pero alguno tuvo que abandonar y eso les lastró bastante.
Así que uno de los motivos de que Zeth abandone y cancele el proyecto es para que él mismo pueda aprender a programar y continuar con el proyecto tal y como él cree que debe ser. Claro que van a pasar años hasta que esté en condiciones de retomarlo.
Una lastima, podria haber buscado un programador a traves de algun foro. Aunque esta claro que el proyecto es muy personal podria haberselo entregado a alguien de confianza para que lo continuara si no queria hacerlo publico.

Esperemos que podamos volver a verlo, yo vi trozos hace un tiempo y tenia muy buena pinta.

Un saludo
Desconocía totalmente este proyecto.

Parece que añadia varios templos al oot original no?
¿Qué ha pasado?.¿Hay novedades?
@salvor70 Gracias.

Bueno chicos, anoche me metí en Google para ver noticias y comunicados en general que hay diariamente y me encontré varias menciones sobre este gran proyecto que se canceló y que lo desconocia totalmente


Como no conocia esta historia, he estado Googleando e investigando por varias webs para empaparme un poco del tema y me encontré con este hilo y aqui estoy [oki]

Parece ser que han retomado de nuevo con el proyecto pero esta vez da el alza un equipo sucesor, llamadolo Project Beta: Triforce


He visto este hilo por gbatemp:
https://gbatemp.net/threads/ura-zelda-r ... 16.437503/

Hablan de un nuevo proyecto de Ura, en este hilo tambien habla ZethN64 que segun tengo entendido es el autor del proyecto URA original.
16 respuestas