el team linux ha descifrado la nueva clave rc4 de las nuevas bios v2

pues lo que podeis leer os pongo el documento original pero vamos que los miembros del team linux les ha durado ocho horas el desencriptarla aqui os la dejo

The Xbox Linux team have yesterday extracted the new MCPX ROM from this new box, and the new RC4 key for BIOS unpack (and unfortunately, a new BIOS hashing check in the ROM) is now known. The new 2bl and kernel have been unpacked. It took just eight hours from getting to box to getting the key.

The team working on the Xbox Linux BIOS have agreed that we will not be discussing any details of how we managed this, nor will we be issuing the key or other data outside our group. You can imagine, as the rest of our work is all GPLed and fully transparent, this is not because we are suddenly evil, but because of copyright issues and that we hope to reuse the techniques.

This should be good news, but I hope they will soon release it or I hope someone else may find it, so MOD-Chips (with BIOSs) will work again.
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