Price Reduction: Viper GC Price $57.99
posted by malloc at 05:54 pm on 23-02-2005
The Viper GC at Divineo is now on sale at just $57.99!
We are not sure if this is a unique limited offer for the Viper GC at Divineo or wether it's a sign that Viper GC will become cheaper for all!
The Viper GC has considerably come down since it's release price tag of $70 with some retailers even selling for $80!
Hopefully this price slash (limited ?) will encourage others to follow suit!
Buy Viper GC: Divineo $57.99 with worldwide shipping.
We usually don't post articles such as this but one of the main gripes people have with the Viper GC is it's 'high' price , now it is definately more affordable (limited time only ?)
Pa fliparlo, a solo dos dias de la salida de la Anaconda (Cobra desencriptada) bajan el precio del chip. Madre mia, a los que no se lo hayan pillado (esto es mi opinion) que no se lo pillen, ya que esto solo es una estrategia de marketing para poderse sacar de encima todas las unidades del Viper que tengan disponibles, ya que se sienten amenazados por que ya no hara falta hackear la GC. Esperaos a que salgan mas bios, y no caigais en la tentacion. Que listos que son los tios, y menuda jeta!!!