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PSP updates hay una cosa que se llama NonameDS ¡¿QUE ES ESO?! un emu de la DS?
Copio y pego:
Kaktus|621 has updated his homebrew application NoNameDS to version 1.5. To those who are not familiar with the homebrew, it's a collection of useful applications and games for the DS. It comes in very handy for DS owners who love their homebrew. Unfortunately, it's in German, so you need to brush up on your German skills to fully appreciate the app.
The latest version primarily reflects Menu bugs fixes. If you've been following this app since day one, you'd notice that it now has a shiny new menu. Kaktus|621 made things simple by just putting two icons instead of the menu list in previous versions.
The game IcyTower has had some problems ever since it was added to the app. The good news is that the game now works on version 1.5. However, it's still in its Beta phase because of the following:
* No Point System
* No Time Limit/Auto Scroll (So you can fall down and nothing happens to you)
* No random Level and for now only 100 Steps
We're pretty sure future versions of the game will address the said problems, and then we'll real fun playing the game. Now, if only we can speak German...
EDIT: creo que es un juego homebrew xD pero aun asi esta muy bien no?