he encontrado el siguiente archivo donde pone lo siguiente.
Here it is.A first try for an ps2 emulator...
Of course it isn't very advance now but there are some stuff here...
Well i will try to catch up some questions.First of all pcsx2 don't run Ps2 games yet!
And of course it is far from doing this.So pcsx2 don't run GT3 get it?:)
So what pcsx2 is? pcsx2 is a try to emulate sony's beast.Of course it isn't so easy as
it might seems.So far you can consider pcsx2 as a develop tool althought i suggest don't use
pcsx2 as a tool for writing your ps2 dev stuff

. Consider the opinion that pcsx2 have bugs
and we wrote this emu by reverse enginnering ps2 demos that might have bugs too
Hope you enjoy pcsx2..
The Pcsx2 team..
Win32 debugger_disasm | 80% | VU0 is still missing...
| |
Elf loader | 80% |most of the times works okay
| |
memory routines | 30% | many stuff are still unmapped
| |
R5900 main cpu | 80% | Unimplement opcodes: Cache,pref,LQC2,SQC2,Syscall, break,SYNC,TGEU,TLT,TLTU,
R5900 COP0 | 30% | + some TLB Started
| |
| | so far..
R5900 MMI | 2% | MFL01,DIVU1,PCPYLD,POR,PCPYH some more...
| |
GIF | 10% | very partial emulation
| |
DMAC | 2% | only DMA2 partial emulation (THE GIF ONE)
| |
GS | | that is a plugin Job ;P
| |
BIOS | 5% | Some syscalls have been emulate in HLE to increase compatibility
| | No bios is really request in the emu right now.but you can use it if you want
All the others are not emulate at all!! And believe me are many...
What's Next
Probably some VU code
bios execution (for not need to use HLE

better GS (where are the plugin developers???)
Work on IOP
finish cpu core
and who the hell knows ;P
How you can help
We have leave the debug info on in the release. That are stored to "emulog.txt" .Wanna help
then run the demo and if it doesn't work then send us the txt.that can help as more..
Also there is a debugger there so you can even debug the code for us
The Team
Linuzappz -Main coder. Master of The GS emulation and so many others..
Shadow -co-coder . Master of cpu, master of bugs, general coding...
Team like to thanks the Follow people
Duke of NAPALM - for the 3d stars demo. The first demo that worked in pcsx2
tony Saveski (dreamtime) - for his great ps2tutorials!!
F|res - You will learn more about him soon.but a big thanks from shadow..
Now3d- The guy that helped me at my first steps..
Keith- Who believed in me..
and probably to a few more..
Special Shadow's thanks go to...
My friends : Dimitris,james,eirini,eui,thodoris and probably to a few more..
and of course to a lady somewhere out there....
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