I need to give some infos about the big test of this (first thanks to BrandonW for the source again)
1-It's compatible with all the PSP/PSPStreet/PSPGo
( compatible con todas las PSP) 2-I would update the program to give more possibility
3-The test is to lead into a new direction/new door
( todo fue para probar una puerta trasera en la ps3) 4-Not anymore related to the Factory/Service mode -> based on it only
( nada de service mode */factory .. solo se baso en el ) 5-Actually it's for exploit the PS3 including up 3.60+
( sera para hacer un exploit para las 3.60 o mayores) 6-If everythings run fine, again it would lead some good stuff and the possibility to port on a software version
( si todo sale bien dice que lo portara a una vercion en soft.. android ??? ) Now about last result
We can syscall with the PSP up to 3.60+ (need to make two different version)
For sure a payload will be difficult on PSP from what i saw and i heard from BrandonW but i try something different
I'm not suppose to say that -> it would give the possibility to turn into a debug, a PS3 retail (don't expect too much right now)
Another surprise that come from the result of Natepig make too much sense and it reveal something pretty interesting on PS3 4.0
Please don't ask me too much now, this is test only and i do my best (yes i know i repeat all the time that, but it's true, i still like to work on it and i like that style of challenge, can't sleep during the night)
Read more:
http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks ... z1lNKD5p2r