Entrevista a GeoHot

Entrevista a GeoHot [inglés] http://g4tv.com/videos/50733/hacking--jailbreaking-with-george-hotz/

Hice una transcripción del vídeo, no es perfecta y se me escapan algunas palabras, que he tenido que substituir o eliminar para darle un sentido al texto, aún así creo que se entiende bastante bien.

Nombre del Show: Attack of the Show
Entrevistador: Kevin Pereira
Enlace: http://g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/index.html

From decrypting DVDs to jailbreaking iPads hackers have proven that if it’s lockdown, unlocking it is just a matter of time, and few people do it better than George Hot AKA GeoHot. George was the first person on earth to jailbreak Apple’s iPhone, enabling features like tethering and video recording. At that time this kind of iPhone hacking was illegal but a recent update to the digital millennium copyright act, or DMCA, has given us the legal rights to jailbreak our phones.

Recently George turned his attention to the PS3 after a software update locked down the Playstation’s 3 operating system. He succeeded re-enabling PS3’s support for unapproved software including emulators and pirated games. This week George released the PS3 jailbreak code on a site and SONY fought back fining a lawsuit. SONY wants the court to block George from publishing its jailbreak code and is asking for all copies of it to be wipe off the internet. GeoHot triumphed over Apple heading the way for your rights. Can he do the same for the PS3? It’s The Loop.

Kevin Pereira: All right Jeremy from New York to help us to make sense to George Hot AKA GeoHot, welcome to show George…

GeoHot: Nice to be here

KP: It’s good to have you here, so it’s you George Hot against SONY, this giant multi-national corporation, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being like making a diamond out of coal how poker are you right now, how concerned are you when you wake up in the morning?

GH: The adrenaline is definitively flowing, you know, it’s exciting, it’s scary at the same time, but you are not taking the day by that.

KP: Is it your first lawsuit radio? Is it the first time you are set on the settle? Well congratulations… we’ll see what comes out of it. What exactly did you do? Explain that you posted that sort of hack access firmware update to the PS3. What exactly did you allow users to do to their PS3s?

GH: Right now, still legally, and go to my website geohot.com and download my jailbreak for the PS3 and what allows you to do is store homebrew applications, user applications that have been developed by anyone, you can go and develop your own applications or go download someone’s, putting Java on a PS3..

KP: So people can run unsigned code for the first time on their systems, what happens for the first time using your hack, but the issue then become using that hack to potentially… they could also play a pirated game, that’s where SONY takes issue.

GH: Actually no! The way piracy was previously done doesn’t work in my jailbreak and I made, you know, a specific effort while I was working on this, to try to enable homebrew without enabling things that I do not support like piracy.

KP: So what do you think the issue is? What exactly are you being sued for here?

GH: Making SONY mad.

KP: That would do it. You were the first person to unlock the iPhone and then, of course, you went jailbreaking the iPad, why did you turn your attention to the PS3? Where you hacking it simultaneously, in parallel?

GH: So initially, what I did last year, I was playing around with OTHEROS and I couldn’t get access to the… full access to the video card, so you know I wanted to get access there, and once I did I let it go. I didn’t play around with OTHEROS at all, and then come April and SONY releases an update that removed OTHEROS entirely.

KP: And so you wanted back access so you can poke around and then you decided to release it to the world.

GH: Exactly.

KP: Well, a Federal Court’s word hacking or jailbreaking an iPhone is actually legal in the US so how is hacking the iPhone different from unlocking the PS3? That was the question you are asking.

GH: That is the question I am asking… The difference is DMCA says specifically mobile phones but I think the same precedent should apply, or whatever precedent, if the iPhone is a closed system where the manufacture controls all the software that runs on it, you know, if you can jailbreak one closed system why can’t you jailbreak another.

KP: Excellent question, I am sure your lawyer blasts the same. Have you sought legal counsel, people email you offering legal advice or services?

GH: I have, you know, a lot of people, a lot of random people have been e-mailing me with legal advice but I’ve been seeking at two lawyers Joshua and Stuart, who’ve been, you know, helping me fight initially SONY in California, and yes…

KP: And so, if you win, like you said, DMCA right now applies to closed systems, iPhones in this case, so if you win does it means that you could set precedent and apply that same right to hack or right to jailbreak or right to update firmware across all devices… do you see that being a fallout from this case?

GH: Definitely, I think this case is about a lot more than what I did and me, it’s about whether you really own that device you purchased.

KP: And a… Hypothetically let’s say you win this David’s versus Goliath battle, who or what is next on your hit list, I’d like to think that you have a list, placed to a wall and you are crossing them down, corporations to anger and lawyers to hire, what’s next?

GH: Ah… When is the PSP2 come out? [xD] I’m kidding

KP: Now you are just poking it. We appreciate your time, please, if you have something that’s coming out next what is it?

GH: Working on a random projects, you know, when they put some out I’ll take a look on it.

KP: Nearly scandalous, but he’s the best, George Hot thank you very much for joining us and keeping us on The Loop, GeoHot everyone!
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(mensaje borrado)
nesquik está baneado del subforo por "flames y faltas de respeto reiterados"
Discrepo de esto:
" Nearly scandalous, but he’s the best"
Lo dices por la transcripción? Si es por eso agradecería cualquier aportación para mejorarla.
nesquik está baneado del subforo por "flames y faltas de respeto reiterados"
Morg escribió:Lo dices por la transcripción? Si es por eso agradecería cualquier aportación para mejorarla.

No, lo digo por que entiendo la traducción y discrepo de la manera de pensar de los "periodistas" que han realizado la entrevista.
Bueno, a esta gente [periodistas] les gusta más hacer ruido que ser profesionales, realmente en la entrevista no dicen nada del otro jueves.
nesquik está baneado del subforo por "flames y faltas de respeto reiterados"
La verdad es que sigue desprendiendo cierta prepotencia en sus declaraciones.

DIOS, habia oido cosas malas de la web esta de 3djuegos, pero esa noticia lo dice todo... no podrían haber puesto peor título.

Cualquiera que realmente piense que no vale ni para becario necesita replantearse seriamente su vida, dejar las pastillas o echar a un lado la envidia.

Este hacker fue el prmero en hacer el jailbreak del iphone, el que descubrió el primer exploit que exponía el kernel de la PS3, gracias en parte a la cual se desarrollaron los siguientes exploits, incluido este.
Ha publicado la clave para poder firmar tu propio contenido siempre de una forma que no resulte evidente el pirateo, y aun así la gente piensa que es un paquete?? VENGA YA! pero que mas tiene que hacer, curar el cancer? XD XD

En mi opinión la gente de por ejemplo fail0verflow es mucho mejor, pero eso no le quita el mérito que ya tiene.
Con respecto a los "defectos" que se mencionan de las cosas que ha publicado, siempre parece haber publicado herramientas para otros hackers y para que la gente trastee, nada que deba instalar el usuario de turno que solo quiere ejecutar emuladores y juegos pirata. Qué mas da si ha publiado tools y algun custom firmware como "prueba" que es detectable? No creo que pretenda ser el santo grial, el santo grial es la firma que publico con la que todo el sistema de seguridad de la PS3 se viene abajo.

También se dice que no ha publicado cómo rompió metldr y tal.. estaría bien que lo hubiera publicado, pero como su meta era publicar la clave para que la gente escriba homebrew en PS3, parece que todo eso por lo que se le critica no es relevante. digo yo.

No entiendo de donde viene tanto odio (excepto de la gente que no le guste el modding por eso de que ahora se retrasara algun juego, por muy inevitable que sea ya el asunto por cierto, etc..)
coxplay está baneado del subforo por "flames y faltas de respeto"
Superken7 escribió:el que descubrió el primer exploit que exponía el kernel de la PS3, gracias en parte a la cual se desarrollaron los siguientes exploits, incluido este.

Reportado por inventar cuentos
nesquik está baneado del subforo por "flames y faltas de respeto reiterados"

Bueno, solo necesitas entrar en youtube.es y mirarte la conferencia relacionada con el EPIC Fail del grupo fail0verfl0w y ver que GeoHots no aparece por ningún lado.

No sé de donde ha sacado la gente que Geo ha hecho tales maravillas, cuando expertos como este grupo han detallado toda la historia del tema PSJailbreak y el trabajo de Geohots y obviamente como se puede ver, la desprecian/descartan por no haber conseguido nada y simplemente la dejan como "anécdota".

Yo sinceramente, felicito a este grupo (fail0verfl0w) por haber conseguido tal cosa, pero todos los méritos se los está llevando Geo de forma injusta.
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