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Algunas cosas interesantes de la entrevista:
Substance is so big, in fact, it'll take up an entire double-density DVD disk when it releases for Microsoft's console this November (edited by Urashima)
HK: Substance consists of story-oriented Sons of Liberty and five Snake Tales episodes, VR missions (200-plus stages), and what we're calling "alternative missions" (100-plus stages). You'll really be able to enjoy the Metal Gear Solid world to its fullest. The game volume is that of two games, and we are using up the capacity of one double-layer DVD.
GS: Is this the game that was tentatively called Metal Gear Solid X? Or are you still working on a unique Metal Gear game for the Xbox?
HK: Yes, this is the Metal Gear Solid 2 game for the Xbox.
HK: Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance will be released in the US in November 2002. The release date for Japan has not yet been announced.