Entrevista a Itagaki: bouncing y otras hierbas

Aquí: http://www.gamepro.com/index.html?/gamepro/famitsu/games/news/28015.shtml

Q: DOA is pretty well known for the way everyone's breasts bounce (laughs), but they don't seem to bounce as much in this game. Was this done on purpose?

I: Right near the end of development we had a discussion on what to do with the bouncing, and that's when we decided to reduce the bounce to the level you see now. We actually decided on that ten days before the game was due at the duplicators. (laughs)

Q: What else did women have to say about the game?

I: Well, just within our company, a lot of the people who thought up the swimsuit designs were actually women. Most of the really extreme designs were done by women. (laughs) Women have a lot more knowledge and sense about these things than men, after all. I realized this during development, but this game's audience isn't necessarily just men—women can play this game and enjoy it, too, or at least the women around me can. (laughs)

Sobre la primera pregunta, sin duda alguna, el mejor simulador de "pechos" fue el primer DOA XD

Sobre la segunda pregunta, supongo que tambien tienen derecho de jugar "ellas" al DOAX, para algo ellas trabajaron mas en el proyecto :P

Sobre la entrevista completa, pufff menudo cachondo es Itagaki [oki]
yo quiero ser como el XD XD, joer, que personaje
Escrito originalmente por ^Benten^
Sobre la primera pregunta, sin duda alguna, el mejor simulador de "pechos" fue el primer DOA XD

Juas, cierto, aunque se pasaban un poquito, recuerdo que a Kasumi cuando empezaba a girar pa desaparecer se le subían hasta la caraXD
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