20:02] <@netkas> flukes1
[20:02] <@netkas> here
[20:02] <@netkas> Another tip
[20:02] <@netkas> If HV call 114 is too complicated for you, just overwrite the code of HV call 114 and HV call 115 with lv1 peek and poke code, it's safe because GameOS doesn't use HV calls 114 and 115. This way you will get lv1 peek and poke initialized in HV call table auomatically by HV for you
[20:03] <@flukes1> that was fun
[20:03] <@netkas> from graf
[20:03] <@flukes1> ah interesting
[20:03] <@flukes1> if we cant make this work, that can be backup
[20:03] <+c0de90e7> cool
[20:03] <@flukes1> i think this will work though we just need to figure out the calls
Lo ultimo del irc... y tambien les han dado las gracias los usuarios del canal, ha sido un poco caos