Error en bit Torrent

Me sale este error

Have to exit due to the TCP stack flaking out. Please see the FAQ at

k signifika porke no tengo ni idea?
Baja el numero de conexiones maximas. escribió:BitTorrent exits with a message saying "TCP stack flaking out".

Many versions of Windows only allow a very small number of connections by default. If you get this message, it means you are hitting this limit.

The easiest way to solve this problem in BitTorrent 4.0 is to right click on the BitTorrent shortcut and add " --max_allow_in 55" at the end of the "Target" field. After doing this, the target field should read:

C:\Program Files\BitTorrent\btdownloadgui.exe --max_allow_in 55

You can also change the connection limit on Windows 95, 98 and ME by creating or modifying the following registry key:


Create the MaxConnections variable key as type STRING and set the value to 512. Setting it higher will not have any effect. Once this is done, you will need to reboot for the change to take effect.

BitTorrent 4.1 Beta should not have this problem. Please contact us at the bugs list email below if you are still experiencing this problem with BitTorrent 4.1 Beta.

Este texto viene a decir que tienes limitadas el numero de conexiones en tu SO, prueba de seguir las instrucciones que te dan en el faq a ver si lo puedes solucionar, y si no puedes, mirar de cambiar de cliente BT

Tengo el bittorrent 4.1.1beta, nunka me habia salido este mensaje, no se donde se baja el numero de konexiones por mas k miro no lo encuentro, y con respecto al registro


Esa ultima parte no la tengo.

Gracias k debo hacer?
Era cosa el p*to antivirus, lo k cambiado y komo la seda. [beer]
3 respuestas