Es Cierto que ha salido un Evo X 2.5?

Pos eso que me lo han dicho pero no veo nada por aqui.

Haber si alguien puede corroborarlo y decirme en que se diferencia del 2.4.

Salir a salido.. el 2.4 no era oficial... diferencias no se.. no uso evox, pero creo que es como el 2.4 pero oficial.

corrige unos bugs del 2.4 pero no es una actualizacion muy potente
no pasa de ser un 'ajuste fino', el 2.4 va de vicio.

evox 2.49,6no estoy mu seguro me lo dijo un colega de lepe pero creo q era asin [discu] [discu] [discu] [discu]
si existe y ademas varias versiones por superf0 este es el txt

ioses hacked by superfro

This is (official it appears) EvolutionX 2.5 bios with some mods; Mods are as listed.

colormod = Xbox logo changed to red / orange, check colormod.jpg for a screenshot

err = Error screen has been replaced with descriptions, check errscr.jpg for a screenshot

noani = No startup animation (flubber blob)

nologo = No Xbox logo

ybox = boots to yboxdash.xbe instead of xboxdash.xbe, useful for turning off a mod and having the original xbox boot up (or LIVE detection or whatever i dont care)

evox = boots to evoxdash.xbe, same concept as ybox.

so Evx2.5.colormod.err.noani.bin means Xbox logo is red, Error screen replaced, and no animation.

Evx2.5.err.noani.nologo.ybox means Error screen replaced, no animation, no xbox logo, ybox hack... you get the idea

This release has been done in 256k bioses to keep space down. Included is a batchfile called
make1mb. To use it, you goto the dos command line and type

make1mb {input} {output}


make1mb 256k.Evx2.5.colormod.err.ybox.bin Evx2.5.colormod.err.ybox.bin

You will have a 1 mb version of the bios called Evx2.5.colormod.err.ybox.bin.

If you know other ways to make a 1mb or are doing a multibios, do that or check some faqs/tutorials/whatever.

Don't PM me and ask for custom colors / pictures.

Greets to all in the homebrew scene.

ademas de esta otra que es la 2.5 pelada pero como las anteriores

Sure, EvolutionX 2.4 allows the reset on eject trick, but it doesnt leave
the 0x80 byte in memory. This causes a problem, specifically with the
recently released Px HDD Loader 1.0a. The maker of this program devised
a tricky way to detect if your modchip allows the reset on eject trick,
by reading its own "MediaType" flag and checking the upper byte for 0x80
Needless to say, EvoX 2.4 overwrites the full dword instead of just patching
the lower 3 bytes of the "MediaType" flag like it should.

To the makers of EvoX rom, is it really that hard to use OR instead of MOV?

5 respuestas