Convoco al que quiera opinar porque este es un tema que de ser verdad, podria ser considerado una de las mas grandes estafas de la historia de los juegos
Bue, cualquiera que no haya estado en coma por las ultimas 2 semanas sabe de la phantom y todo el ruido que hay a su alrededor
Muchos la critican, dicen que va ser recontra facil de piratear y que es un fraude.
Por el momento lo que se podria discutir es lo de fraude
Resulta que en el sitio Penny Arcade (que no es un sitio de noticias en si, pero un foro y bastante bueno) publico una mini investigacion que hicieron, aca va:
It really comes down to this: is it a hoax, or are the forces involved in making this system absolutely inept? I'd call that six of one or a half dozen of the other.
Anybody tried to actually submit ther information on the pre-registration screen? It's not a button, it's just a sort vestigial nub with no function.
An interesting mail from Josh Parker, Private Eye:
In my amazing boredom, I researched the status of these trademarks on , but could find no record of either being trademarked. I tried various search methods, never did I see the slogan or the name Phantom trademarked by Infium Labs.
Uh, yeah. Might want to get one of them trademark things.
Steve from HardOCP dropped the following science on me yesterday:
We had a reader go by Infinium Labs and take pictures of their "facility" ( that's when we found out it was a strip mall in the Florida Keys ) only to find out it was a single desk in a 100 x 100ft room with two phones and no furniture. That was about 4 months ago.
I talked to the Tim Roberts guy on the phone when he returned my call ( 22 days after I left a message ) and when I asked him about all this...he HUNG UP ON ME. I asked him if he was looking for investors, he said "We are actively recruiting investors". I asked him if they had any consoles on hand, he said "We have several hundred prototype models here in the office". So then I asked him where the prototypes were made, he said "right here in our facility". Then I told him I had seen his 100ft x 100ft office space conveinently located next to Missing Link Art Gallery in the strip mall ( located at 5380 Gulf of Mexico Dr. Longboat Key, Fl 34228 ) and he went NUTS!!! "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS!?!?! BLAH BLAH I'LL SUE YOU".
Then you have articles like this one on Newsforge that make the whole thing seem sensible! Goddammit, I'm trying to dismiss something here! Stupid journalists.
Lo que cuenta aca es como llegan a la conclusion de que la maquina es falsa debido a que no solo las "Facilities" de Infinium hace 4 meses eran solo un local (de 100X100 pies) de un shopping de los Cayos de la florida USA (Key West)
Otro dato muy interesante es como estos tipos de pennyarcade (PA) , al tratar de averiguar el origen de phantom descubre que la marca de Phantom no existe a nombre de Infinium Labs.
El mensaje termina con una "conversacion" en la que Tycho (uno de los miembros de PA) se hace pasar por un inversor y pregunta que consolas tienen y donde las fabrican, y le contestan que tienen cientos de prototipos y los hacen en su "facility" ahi mismo Tycho le dice "la 'Facility' de 100X100 pies?" y directamente le dicen "QUIEN CARAJO SOS? TE VAMOS A DEMANDAR

Ahora, si eso no es cierto, para que mierda le contestan tan mal a estos giles de PA

A mi me parece que esta Phantom es vaporware
O talvez fue mandada a hacer (o financiada) por Microsoft o Sony (aunque esto suena mas a trabajo de bill) para hacer mas presion en el mercado...........
Saquen sus conclusiones