Bueno... Ayer en la noche me acorde antes de acostarme que existía una pagina que agarraba y ponderaba todas las notas de todos los rewie tanto profesionales como no profesionales, detractores como fans etc. Game Ranking!
Ayer tenia la toda de 97 sobre 100 y hoy me encuentro que tiene 96.5 sobre 100 y me doy cuenta que hay una nueva critica que es que le dan un 80 sobre 100 que es de esta pagina que pone esto.
La cosa es que no se extrañen si de ahora en adelante, gracias al ejemplo de gamespot y sus argumentos Zelda empieza a bajar hasta tener un 65/100...
NOTA: No es que no pueda vivir trankilo por que soy un super fan boy es solo una anecdota.
Talking about Wii graphics I can see is already going to be a problem. Twilight Princess does have artistic flair, combining fantasy with cyberpunk, but aside from that, the graphics are disappointing. Before you start with the hate-mail, I’m not comparing it to a 360 or PS3 game - Twilight Princess isn’t even as good looking as some Gamecube games , like Resident Evil 4. Link runs very awkwardly, like an uptight robot , and actually moves better in wolf form. The camera can also get wonky, especially during combat when it has a tendency to leap around erratically.
The sound will continue to poke your brain in the nostalgia center, because much of it comes from the classic games, including the rising tune when you open a chest, to the explosion of a bomb; it’s all old-school. Some of the audio cues are sent to the little speaker in the Wiimote, like the pulling of a bowstring, or Midna’s giggles. It’s is an interesting idea, but the speaker is really tinny sounding, like when people use their cell phones as walkie-talkies.
But Ocarina of Time was a great game, and its spiritual remake is good, too. The Nintendo fanboys are probably already compiling a list of the 50 Reasons Why Duke Is An Idiot, but I still definitely see eye to eye with those zealots when recommending this game . It’s a classic Zelda adventure in traditional form, and while it might not bring anything new to the party, it’s a good homecoming and an entertaining time machine that will take you back all the way to 1987.
Le dio un 8.0 sobre 10 (b+)
Hay gente que quiere fama.