Crysis Info. flood to the new Shooter of the far Cry Macher! 21.01.2006 | 11:50 | Toby | source: already for months geisterte "Crysis" by the net. Allegedly this should be the name of the coming project from the house "Crytek ("far Cry"). Meanwhile this acceptance was confirmed, because the German print magazine GameStar offers in the coming expenditure a large Coverstory. As scene again an island in the South Seas serves. After short time it becomes however completely beautifully dark on the isle. A Alienrasse wants to freeze the Pacific, so that it can make itself cosy on earth it. But in sequence: First an unknown flying object is sighted - the governments of North Korea and China send promptly their fleets, in order to regard the thing more exactly. The United States cannot watch and have there naturally doless to likewise gaffen. You slip into the skin of Jack Dunn, member of an American special-purpose force. The weapon arsenal of Dunn consists partially of used shooting flogging, as for example pistol and machine gun.
Nearly each Bleispucker can be bucked up with sight, muffler or laser pointer. In addition the soldier carries the nano in such a way specified Suit. Assistance of the waistcoat re-establishes Jack for example its health. In addition the good piece can be useful when creeping, absorbs it nevertheless the produced noises. As if that would be not yet enough, the nano Suit offer also still another air conditioning system. Those is extremely helpful, if one considers that the Aliens stands on cold weather and fires fiese ice jets. Who wears no nano Suit with fescher air conditioning system now, prayer may be to speak. Beautifully that one may freeze opponents owing to the "Molecular Arrester" also even, those afterwards to ice cubes zerbroeseln. "Crysis" gets along thereby without videos and intermediate sequences, everything happens completely directly in the spectacular play diagram.
There are no final opponents, but some Aliens will be so large that we must mount them for killing. Geil, or? Jack manages the Erklimmung of a beast completely loosely, finally has it metal shoes. And there the extraterrestial ones partly made of metal exist, know it completely comfortably highly latschen. It remains of course not only when moving, player takes also in jeeps, helicopters and modern jet place. Owing to the Cry engine 2 is guaranteed an optical Augenschmaus. And where we already straight with the engine are: Almost any object in the play is destroyable.
The physical correctness does not stop thereby however. So one can remain hanging with a bulky rifle in the close jungle already times. The play consists of only one level - shop forbade! Contrary to "far Cry" we may store now also in each place. It harms that Crytek predicts one play time of about ten hours already now. If the play should fulfill however all expectations, the duration might not be a leg break. Finally there is also still the Multiplayer mode, which beside (team)Deathmatch this time also still another tactical variant drives, in which two crews begin against each other. An official publication date does not give it, according to Crytek-boss Cevat Yerli focuses one however the fourth quarter 2006. We have now only a question: Of young from Coburg ever the product