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GXY escribió:lo que querria seria utilizar el mismo escritorio que estoy usando en el equipo, osea, el xfce, con su resolucion correcta, etc como ocurre con el VNC o el escritorio remoto de windows en el SO del maligno
NeoRazorX escribió:FreeNX sin dudarlo [fumando]
Aqui tienes mi guia >> http://www.guia-ubuntu.org/dapper/index.php/Administraci%C3%B3n_del_sistema/Escritorios_remotos/FreeNX
suloku@ubuntu:~$ sudo nxsetup --install --clean
------> It is recommended that you use the NoMachine key for
easier setup. If you answer "y", FreeNX creates a custom
KeyPair and expects you to setup your clients manually.
"N" is default and uses the NoMachine key for installation.
Do you want to use your own custom KeyPair? [y/N] yRemoving special user "nx" ...done
Removing session database ...done
Removing logfile ...done
Setting up /etc/nxserver ...done
Setting up /var/lib/nxserver/db ...done
Setting up /var/log/nxserver.log ...done
Setting up special user "nx" ...adduser: Aviso: el directorio personal que especificó ya existe.
Añadiendo usuario del sistema «nx»...
Añadiendo nuevo usuario «nx» (109) con grupo «nx».
El directorio personal «/var/lib/nxserver/home» ya existe. No se copia desde «/etc/skel».
adduser: Aviso: ese directorio personal no pertenece al usuario que está creandodone
Setting up known_hosts and authorized_keys2 ...done
Setting up permissions ...done
----> Testing your nxserver configuration ...
Warning: Invalid value "DEFAULT_X_SESSION=/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession"
Users might not be able to request a default X session.
Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_START_KDE=/usr/bin/dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session startkde"
Users will not be able to request a KDE session.
Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_START_GNOME=/usr/bin/dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session gnome-session"
Users will not be able to request a Gnome session.
Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_START_CDE=cdwm"
Users will not be able to request a CDE session.
Warnings occured during config check.
To enable these features please correct the configuration file.
<---- done
----> Testing your nxserver connection ...
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is "esto por si acaso no lo pongo, que no se muy bien que es".
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Fatal error: Could not connect to NX Server.
Please check your ssh setup:
- Make sure "nx" is one of the AllowUsers in sshd_config.
- Make sure your sshd allows public key authentication.
- Make sure your sshd is really running on port 22.
- Make sure your sshd_config AuthorizedKeysFile in sshd_config is set to authorized_keys2.
suloku@ubuntu:~$ Host key verification failed.