Para que no veas que voy con malas intenciones hacia ti, te informare un poco mas sobre lo de XboX, esto lo he sacado de tus propias conclusiones.
Is this just going to be a light-weight PC for the living room?
No. Microsoft has said specifically that this is a console game system and not a PC, even though on the inside, it certainly looks a lot like a pared-down version of one. In fact, Microsoft is discouraging developers from including support for PC peripherals like the keyboard and mouse just to help console users feel at home.

Will the system look like a PC when I load up and play games? Does this system use Windows 95/98?
No way, says Microsoft. The system uses a Windows 2000 kernel, a pared down system that has been streamlined specifically for games. Though developers will be familiar with the feel of the OS, as far as what happens when you pop in a disk, it should be exactly like other competing consoles. No boot time, no DOS screens, and no big Win95 symbol. We've played games on Xbox dev kits, and from what we've seen, expect the Xbox experience to be business as usual for console gaming.

Does the USB output mean that I'll be able to use any USB controller I want with a game?
Are you crazy, and miss out on more licensing opportunities? It looks like the USB system will be tweaked enough to stop current USB devices from working on the system. That doesn't mean that there won't be third-party peripherals, simply that the port will only work with specially created devices.
(Ya esta claro???? No podras poner teclado/raton USB estandar del PC)
Graphics / Other Hardware Questions
How good will this 3D card be compared to what's out now?
The system will use an NVIDIA card that's around three generations faster than the current NVIDIA chips. Microsoft says that current chips have about 5% of the power that the card will generate. In numbers, that means 300 million polys per second being pushed as compared to Sony's 66, and a fill rate that's about twice as much as the PS2, and four times as much as the high end Voodoo cards.

(95% mas potente que los Geforce3 actuales y Geforce2 Ultra!!!) Allaaaaa
Another advantage to the new card is that it will support high resolutions of up to 1920 x 1080, past what most people's TVs and monitors can handle...for now. Microsoft is definitely planning for the future, especially when it comes to supporting things such as HDTV. The 3D card is by far the most exciting facet of the system, as well as the one piece of hardware that the critics and speculators are most wary of -- it looks good on paper, but many are waiting to see if this 3D miracle will actually happen.
(la PS2 no soporta HDTV)
Won't the processor be a little slow by the time the system is launched?
A 733MHz PIII processor is incredibly fast for a game console. A separate graphics processor adds the extra need for speed, by taking the load off of the processor. Graphical data will be sent to the graphics processor while that spunky little 733MHz PIII will be able to focus solely on the computing powers at hand, instead of just pushing pixels.
(Para consolas...nada mas...)
What is this hard drive going to be used for, and how big is it?
The hard drive that comes with the Xbox will be 10 gigs, a lot of space for anyone who's used a computer. The average PC game takes up about 500MB nowadays, so that means that you'll be able to have anywhere from 15 to 20 games installed at one time -- and that's if they're doing big time installs, instead of just smaller installations. So if you're thinking that's not a lot of space, think again. However, don't think this means that games will require an install for play on the Xbox. Again, this is a console, not a PC. No games will required to be installed on the drive.

Microsoft has announced that there will be an 8MB memory card, which leads most people to believe that it won't likely be used simply for storing games. There are a lot of possibilities that the company has put forward, such as allowing gamers to download demos of upcoming games before they're released (and without having to subscribe to magazines just to grab demos), as well as allowing developers room to let games grow.
(Que locura quieroooo.Me podre bajar las DEMOS...que pasada!!!)
Getting back to the hard drive for a second, it has been confirmed that several developers will be using the extra hard disk space to smooth out load times, store textures, and speed up overall performance of games. Titles like Azurik and Tony Hawk 2 X are both planning to cache data on the Xbox hard drive upon first play to virtually eliminate load times, making the games' boot up time comparable to that of a cartridge-based system.
(Os habeis dado cuenta lo que pone aqui??? Dicen que algunos desarrolladores usaran el HD para cargar cierta informacion de BOOT del juego con lo que a la segunda vez que lo juguemos no tendremos que esperar el "LOADING..." como en la PS2. El tiempo de carga sera comparado a de un cartucho.... VAYA FLIPADA!!!)
Does this mean that you'll have to install games when you first load them into your console? No. It simply means that the developers will be using the HD to store data while you are playing a game. For example, if there is a very large track in a racing game, parts will be stored on the drive until they are needed. However, this cached information will vanish when you are done playing the game.
(Lo dejan claro...TU NO TENDRAS ACCESO al HD para almacenar cosas a voleo sino sera usado por el sistema solamente!!!)
Does having a hard drive mean that I'll have to worry about patching my game all the time?
No. Microsoft doesn't want lazy developers, and it will approve games for release on a console model -- meaning that a game isn't going to hit shelves until its 100% done. The hard drive is meant to be used for additions, or to help the games to move faster, not to fix problems with a finished product. Will this happen according to plan? We can only hope.
(Nada de parches...Lo deja muy claro MS..pero ahora que pienso, ya conoceis como es el Unreal, parches y mas posible que se tenga que bajar algun parche que otro para el UnrealChampionship pero esta claro que lo bajara automaticamente la consola sin que tengas que hacer algo!!!)
Since I'll be able to download games and updates from online, does that mean I'll have to worry about viruses?
No. According to Microsoft, you won't be able to use the console system as a web browser, meaning that you'll only use it to download directly through games, or through a special Microsoft interface. That means that average hackers can't trick you into downloading viruses off of their sites, and so on. The content will be controlled by Microsoft, the game publishers, and the game developers.
(sin Virus!! porque no tienes acceso al HD).
Can I buy a mouse and a keyboard for the Xbox?
At this point, Microsoft has said that they have no plans to release a mouse and a keyboard for the system, repeating that "it's not a PC." Given that Sega has released a keyboard and a mouse for chatting during online games however, the possibility is still there for Microsoft to release it as an additional purchase at a later date.

..pues no se como podre jugar mi UnrealChampionship con el mando o chatear mientras juego

:(:(....habra que esperar.
Lo ves?? te quedo claro???
Ahora sabes mucho mas de lo que sabias antes
