4:42 <@crediar> "But someone at ElOtroLado found out that Crediar's web site root folder had indexes on.. and he saw some interesting files.. including one called PinkFishDisc.rar. This RAR is passworded, 3mb. But.. let's see if we can get to crack it and get the disc at once. Peope are already organizing on EOL, but anyway, the RAR is mirrored here"
04:42 <@crediar> haha
04:42 <@crediar> the password is 32 chars wide and random
04:42 <@crediar> see you in some billion years
04:42 < AndreaSki> heh, this has kind of been a weird day between that supposed first homebrew release and the pink fish disc
04:42 < p4m>

04:43 < AndreaSki> is it possible to setup a distributed effort?
04:43 < Asmodeusm> and all the info from bluehawk
04:43 < Asmodeusm>

04:43 < Gr|m> interesting omega... And crediar, why are you against distributing the disc?
04:43 -!- AndreaSki was kicked from #wiidev by Botty [enable brain]
04:43 <@crediar> it's not _my_ disc
04:43 < Asmodeusm> ooops
04:43 <@crediar> gueat has to decide it
04:43 < Gr|m> I see.
04:43 < SuperGeek> crediar, why are you hiding the pass anyway?
04:43 < Gr|m> ^
04:44 <@crediar> but don't nag him about it
04:44 < SuperGeek> ah, nvm
04:44 * SuperGeek read up
04:44 <@crediar> "Nice... the guys from EOL are now organizing to get the pass... we'll see tomorrow"
04:44 -!- AndreaSki [~chatzilla@68-118-92-134.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #wiidev
04:44 < SuperGeek> heh
04:44 < Gr|m> Well, I'm gonna go help them then...
04:44 -!- Loy [LoyNah@pool-71-178-124-91.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #wiidev
04:44 <@crediar> lucky me using strong pws :>
04:44 < BlueHawk> AndreaSki: We don't need to bruteforce the password. We know it.
04:45 <@crediar> "pinkfish archive its fake!!... the user "glicer" from eol forum got the password...but the rar file was empty...."
04:45 < Loy> what are you all talking bout?
04:45 < SuperGeek> crediar, aparently there are 2 probable passwords
04:45 < p4m> the disc is encrypted and signed like the others
04:45 < Gr|m> So seeing that gueat isn't here, does he sound against distributing it?
04:45 <@crediar> haha they got the wrong password
04:45 < SuperGeek> lol
04:45 <@crediar> Password in HEX: 63 65 72 63 61 72 69 61 6c
04:45 < SuperGeek> xD
04:45 < Gr|m> Wait, seriously? Cuz the other password was a word.
04:46 <@crediar> cercarial
04:46 <@crediar> 63 65 72 63 61 72 69 61 6c -> 63 65 72 63 61 72 69 61 6c
04:46 < p4m> Loy pink stuff
04:46 < SuperGeek> heh
04:46 <@crediar> cercarial
04:46 <@crediar> I meant
04:46 < Loy> ohs
04:46 < SuperGeek> crediar, i tried that one :/
04:46 < SuperGeek> heh
04:46 < Gr|m> 114166539864601130000
04:46 < AndreaSki> crediar: as someone earlier asked, why are you opposed to distributing it?
04:46 < AndreaSki> piracy concerns? i can understand that for sure.
04:46 < Loy> it's like warezzz
04:46 -!- hior [~a.b@c83-250-205-194.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
04:47 < Gr|m> WAREZ ALERT
04:47 < BlueHawk> /!\ WAREZ ALERT /!\
04:47 < Gr|m> Oh, sorry...
04:47 <@crediar> hey the password really *works*
04:47 < p4m> it's more than
04:47 <@crediar> that proofs that the winrar password protection is quite good
04:47 < Gr|m> I don't get how that works crediar... Is there some rar password protection that allows two?
04:47 < Gr|m> bug*
04:47 <@crediar> no a feature
04:48 < Gr|m> Oh I see. Why did you pick the word cercarial....
04:48 -!- tehpol1 [~mike@rrcs-24-242-135-242.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #wiidev
04:48 <@crediar> cercarial is not the password
04:48 < Gr|m> As an alternate password tho
04:48 < robertfis> lol
04:48 * BlueHawk slaps Gr|m around a bit with a large trout
04:48 < annirowe> I thought that was cleared up.. Jeez leave the poor guy alone!!
04:48 <@crediar> looks like the winrar password check has a high collision rate to prevent brutforce ?
04:49 < Asmodeusm> that trout a gay fish?
04:49 < BlueHawk> no.
04:49 < BlueHawk> I don't have gay fish
04:49 < n00b-> how many poeple actually got it? O_o
04:49 <@crediar> 06193108 also works
04:50 < Asmodeusm> I have gay turtles....the POKE eachother...LOL
04:50 < BlueHawk> Q:Where do gay fish live?
04:50 < BlueHawk> A: The aqueerium.
04:50 < p4m> slowly...
04:50 < robertfis> <@crediar> 06193108 also works <<-- Sure

04:50 < annirowe> Yeah I heard the 061... password mentioned as well! Your enjoying this crediar arent you!
04:50 < Gr|m> Yeh itt does..
04:51 < Gr|m> I smell intential taunting of the whole world here...
04:51 < robertfis> eh , no .. it opens , but decrypts nought
04:51 < Loy> guys aren't going to get the password....
04:52 < robertfis> its prolly a 20 something random collection of letters and numbers
04:52 < BlueHawk> robertfis: no.
04:52 < BlueHawk> [04:43] <@crediar> the password is 32 chars wide and random
04:52 < robertfis> ah
04:52 < BlueHawk> 32 != 20
04:52 < robertfis> even more

04:52 < annirowe> All attempts with opening the rar lead to a blank result. Password is wrong and I highly doubt its gonna get released
04:52 < robertfis> give up people
04:52 <@crediar> just btw I don't have the pw anymore
04:53 < Asmodeusm> I give up....someone slap me with a gay fish
04:53 < annirowe> haha
04:53 < SuperGeek> ...WHAT?
04:53 < robertfis> lol
04:53 -!- PsiCo [c806c3e4@] has joined #wiidev
04:53 -!- PsiCo [c806c3e4@] has quit [Connection closed]
04:53 < annirowe> We should have expected that comment!
04:53 < SuperGeek> crediar: wtf?
04:53 < BlueHawk> lol
04:53 <@crediar> I created it copied it pasted it into winrar and pasted to the target
04:53 < Gr|m> Lol.. I certainly hope you have an uncompressed version somewhere...
04:53 <@crediar> I didn't write it down or anything
04:53 < Gr|m> pasted it to the target?
04:53 < SuperGeek> >_<
04:53 < annirowe> Man crediar, taking off on the rest of the gayfish comments, you caught a few people on that line. Had them all biting!
04:54 -!- Gr|m [~Gr|m@ip72-222-212-3.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Quit: <3Gr|m<3]
04:54 < Asmodeusm> gay fish bite?
04:54 < SuperGeek> crediar: so gueat is the only person with the uncompressed version then?
04:54 <@crediar> anyway the backup disc isn't really useful for the common user
04:54 < Loy> gueat has the orig disc
04:54 < annirowe> Who you calling common??
04:54 -!- slitherin [~Doomfuck@cpe-24-28-173-225.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #wiidev
04:54 < annirowe> Oh me..... hehe
05:02 < AndreaSki> crediar: what was up with the last readme that came with your tool? why do you hate all of the scene sites that you do
05:02 < laZmike> tis evening
05:02 < laZmike> 23:02
05:02 < robertfis>
when mr.noinfo comes into this channel to discuss the same lame old things each 20th minute , people get tired of their speculations
05:02 < n00b-> just +b *!*@@99.230.169.* >_>
05:02 <@crediar> Botty added banmask: *!*@CPE0010ff111814-CM0018680de198.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com <---> crediar added banmask: *!*Killa31@
05:02 < CRUCi> precisely
05:02 <@crediar> well it was the same Ident
05:03 <@crediar> Joins: _Dave31 (Killa31@CPE0010ff111814-CM0018680de198.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
05:03 <@crediar> there
05:03 < SuperGeek> robertfis, the speculation could be eliminated if the disk were to be released 
05:03 < n00b-> yeah
05:03 < n00b-> he couldve just /mode -x :/
05:03 < CRUCi> ffs...
05:03 < robertfis> well , no . since the people who need the disc already have it . they are not speculating..
05:03 -!- cyberdemo [~cyberdemo@p508A1D48.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
05:03 <@crediar> AndreaSki scene sites lol you mean those pages full of ads and idiots posting any shit they find without even thinking